This document provides a summarization of the feedback from the four different tool feedback sessions. When this document is finalized, it will be used to drive development efforts and will be put into the code/document repository, with a link in the Plone document repository.

The raw feedback information is in four separate EtherPads
Overall Themes and Common Requirements:

Chaining, Integration, Relationships between ONESearch  - ONE R Client & ONEDrive should be investigated and better defined.  For instance, separate filtering from access -- use mercury as the recommended way to search, then allow the results to be opened in a filesystem view (e.g., a "smart folder") (+3)
- Discussions of "chaining" ITK tools together came up a couple of times. One was in the context of searching for data using Mercury and then linking from results to starting a dataset download in R;  or providing a button in Mercury searching results to use query to mount ONE Drive
- Common needs for ONE Drive and ONE R Client regarding signalling to user information about file size, relationships to other objects in DataONE ("you've found a very large raw data file; here are some derived subsets you may prefer to use")
- Representing resource maps for users in ONE Drive and ONE R Client
- Generate citations for any object used in ONE Drive and ONE R Client; user can embed in other documents using copy & paste
- Focusing on READ ONLY aspects of the ONE Drive allows users to better understand the capabilities of DataONE, it's data holdings, and participating organizations.   

Summary of R Requirements & Priorities;

Another had to do with improving metadata creation; improving R may not be the best approach: instead could R be "chained" to some other ITK tool (Morpho?) for metadata creation? 

List of themes from the flip charts: the issues that got votes during the prioritization process (issue / vote total across all 4 sessions):

Locally cached data        11

Improve metadata generation: templates; for derived data products; apply from existing object         9
- Use Metadata Template built into the R Client (Science Metadata)
- Found Dataset, potential relationship ship to existing dataset, how can you reuse Science Metadata 
- Possible use of Resource Maps 

Provenance data: in science MD; R history dump        9

Supporting large datasets: show related that might be smaller; interop. w/ batch data sources; preview size, characteristics        9

Multi-object packages: support for operations; preview; streamline access        7

Help, guidance, case studies on R client use in DataONE        4

Archive R scripts people have used        4

Return a citation you can embed in a document using copy & paste        3
ID generation: like tinyURL, short, pre or append constant        2
Mechanism to transform non-DataONE R scripts to DataONE enabled scripts        2
Enable R plugin to send usage data to DataONE        2
Support writing data packages to DataONE as single transaction        2
Integrate R client with workflow engines        2
Text-based searching within R        1
Support setting access restrictions: lists of allowed readers / writers        1
Allow remote execution of R scripts: near big datasets        1
Access to phylogenetic data in DataONE        1
Promote R as tool for data quality assurance (session 4)        1

ONE Drive Requirements & Priorities:

(R) - Recommended to be completed before Release 
(?) - To be evaluated by CCIT for feasability and long-term availability 

Priority: Read Only Capabilities

Future Requirements: 

Authentication Interface / Identity Mapping Priorities

The following requirements were drawn from the authentication interface / identity mapping session notes:

One Mercury Requirements/Priorities

(R) - Recommended to be completed before Release 
(F) - Needed but may be more appropriately deferred to updated release.
(?) - To be evaluated by CCIT for feasability and long-term availability 

Usability and Interface related recommendations:

Home page:
Advanced Search interface
Results page:
New Features/Integration with Other Tools