Main CEE WG site:

Social media
Social media planning
Communication plan: what are we trying to achieve? Current resources:
Action items: (Carly, Scott, Amber)
Aggregation Questions:
Policy re request for aggregation: Assume we need permission (only Carly's site is currently aggregated)
What do we call the category we aggregate under? Syndicated, Feed, Aggregated ...around the room. coffee house. forum. hall of stuff. miscellany. potpourri. cornucopia. awesome stuff. paraphernalia.
Tags: If syndicated posts come in with tags subtly different from ours, it dilutes the utility of our tag cloud.  We can retain or lose.  If we drop the tags then the post is less searchable ....
Tags Part II: Filters: If we pull from sites we can use tags to define what to pull and what to leave.  An alternative is to ask syndicated sites to create a specific feed for us.
Form for contributions: Create a way for people to say they want their blog aggregated.

Here is the disclaimer that NEON uses for social media, blog, etc.:

NEON, Inc. reserves the right to reject, edit, or remove any post or comment that in its opinion, is defamatory or profane, violates copyright, advocates for or against a candidate for political office, is off topic, or is otherwise inappropriate for NEON Notes. The views expressed in posts and comments on this blog are not necessarily those of the NEON, Inc. or of its governing boards.

-- Discussion about use of aggregators - ideas:
- have long list of feed running as ticker on side or under its own heading, and human curator promotes items selectively
- have specific blogs that are consistently on topic always show up on front page, and selectively curate other blog posts into main page

Outcome: See for decision statement