DataONE Cluster Partition Handling Problem: Partitions in the hazelcast cluster can lead to data inconsistencies between D1 coordinating nodes. Examples of operations that are not safe during partitioning: - Global 'unique' PID locks can be created in each partition. - Operations that begin in one partition can finish in the other. -MN to MN replication for example. - Independant updates to the same metadata object in different partitions could result in inconsistent system metadata. Solution 1 (favor consistency over availability and partition tolerance) : When CN detect a cluster partition they go into a 'read-only' mode -preventing data updates while partitions are present. This proposal builds on top of a concept already present in the d1 'processing' components - sync, replication, log aggregation. Each of these components tests an 'active' control flag before processing new events or running scheduled tasks. Currently, this allows each component to be turned on/off independant of the other services in the processing daemon process. By creating additional control flags (to indicate when partitions are present in various hazelcast clusters), the 'active' component toggle concept can be extended to also provide a hook for turning d1 CN services off/on when cluster partitions have occurred/resolved. Implementation: Hazelcast provides a MembershipListener interface that allows custom handling of hazelcast membership events. Currently there are two membership events reported by hazelcast - member "added" and "removed". When a member leaves the cluster for any reason - either due to shutdown or partition - this event cause the "member removed" event to be triggered in each membership listener. In cn-common (trunk), there are some beginnings of an implementation of this strategy: ClusterPartitionMonitor - Holds state information regarding current cluster partition status. Aggregation of cluster partition listeners - manages these listeners (create/config/start/stop). ClusterPartitionMembershipListener - extension of BaseMembershipListener, reports membership state changes to cluster partition monitor. ComponentActivationUtility - Uses state information provided by ClusterParitionMonitor and in coordination with the component 'active' toggle to determine if the compent should be active. This solution also requires a small additional context configuration indicating what the current 'healthy' size of the cluster is expected to be. This can easily be derived from the cluster's IP/address list size. It can also be overrided with a property setting - to allow continued healthy operation when less than all CN are participating in the cluster. Problems: Observerations of 'asymmetric' communication issues raise some questions regarding whether an individual node of a hazelcast cluster can accurately determine when a partition has occured anywhere in the cluster. For example, with 2 nodes (a, b) it is possible communication is occuring in one direction a->b but not b->a, resulting in each node having different opinions regarding partition state. Node 'a' may report 2 members while 'b' reports only 1.