DUG Call May 16 2011 Attending: Bob Sandusky, Amber Budden, Rebecca Koskela Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 775-7100 Participant Access Code: 128383# Agenda: 1) Update on invitations sent out, responses etc (Budden) 2) Update on 'travel grants' (Kosekla) 3) Logistics 4) AOB 1) Invitations Amber to resend reminder to three groups today (awaiting rate information on La Fonda - see below). Will also invite the recommendations from Ann Zimmerman and the ITK partners added by Bob. Bob Sandusky to get names for remaining ITK partners by mid-week. Suggestions from others will be accomodated on a rolling basis, monitoring status of replies and hotel reservations. See shared google doc: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Ave2x_fMh6VbdHlXbF9sQXRuMU1OUHNVSTNYaGYxbmc&hl=en# 2) 25-30 awards of up to $1000. Maximising diversity by domain, institution, geography etc. Wording: Reimburse travel expenses up to $1000. The DUG Chairs and those from DataONE engaged in a speaking / moderating role will have their expenses covered by DataONE. Logistics emails will need to be sorted by whether D1 is covering costs or not. Awardees will need to pay all expenses up front and be reimbursed. Invitees need to respond by May 24th COB to be considered for an award. They will get notification by May 27th COB. Provide room rate info in reminder email so that they can decide wether they can attend if not allocated an award. Include language suggesting that as an award recipient they might be prioritized for the review of D1 materials should feedback be solicited from the DUG. 3) Rebecca to look into an additional 25 rooms at Loretto and find out drop dates for both La Fonda and Loretto. In logistics email we should call La Fonda the primary hotel and Loretto the secondary. 4) AOB Amber to send Bill an email about potential Best Practices invitees. Next meeting Friday May 27th @ 12.00 PT / 1.00 MT / 2.00 CT / 3.00 ET