EVA Products:
Santos et al. 2013, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MCSE.2013.15

Poco, J., A. Dasgupta, Y. Wei, W. Hargrove, R.B. Cook, C. Schwalm, E. Bertini, and C. Silva. 2014, in press.  SimilarityExplorer: A Visual Inter-Comparison Tool for Multifaceted Climate Data, EuroVis.

Evaluate authorship: Poco, J.,  Dasgupta, A. W.H. Hargrove, Y. Wei, R.B. Cook, E. Bertini, and C. Silva. In review b.  Visual Reconciliation of Alternative Similarity Spaces in Climate Modeling, submitted to Visual Analytics Science and Technology (IEEE VAST).  This last article looks at model output and model structural information.

evaluate authorship:  Dasgupta, A., J. Poco, Y. Wei, R.B. Cook, E. Bertini, and C. Silva.  In review-a An Exploratory Study of Visualization Design For Climate Data Analysis, submitted to IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph.

1. A Critical Evaluation of Visualization Design for Terrestrial Biosphere Model Inter-Comparison
2. SimilarityExplorer: A Visual Inter-comparison Tool for Multifaceted Climate Data

SimilarityExplorer Discussion:
Yuanyuan: To better understand physical processes, separate seasonal cycle, interannual variability, and trend in the temporal correlation plots in the pair-wise matrix view.
an interactive web-based tool that is very helpful in terms of the type of analysis that climate scientists need: http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/cgi-bin/data/getpage.pl

Yao: Allow users to specify the time range of exploration and to choose spatial area of interest

Steve: Augment the views with meta-information: temporal information reflected in the views, what pre-processing were performed, etc.

Next steps: give users more flexibility to explore complicated data (involves intensive data processings); add possible mining (e.g. computer clustering functions) to assist science discovery

Kathe: Raise some science questions, translate them into possible data visualizations, then determine what types of data processings are required.  Kathe has a more complex suite of analyses that she uses routintely.  We need to compile these types of analyses and see about adding to SImilarityExploritory Tool

Jorge: Talked about data pre-processing script and input data format

Yaxing: Automatically highlight the symentrical cell if one cell is selected

Steve: Export visualization into a publishable format (currently SVG is supported); Yaxing: add customized labels?

Yaxing: Magnitude is currently missing here, we only show correlation

Yao: See how spatial correlation change over time

Yaxing: See how temporal correlation change across regions

Steve: In parallel coordinates view, get rid of the time axis

Steve: SimilarityExplorer, a more generalized tool or a more scenario-focused one

[Model Structure Visualization Discussion]

Kathe: does model structure include number of pools, transfer fractions, ...?
Debbie: what is the best way to characterize model structure
Christopher: Unsupervised clustering from either side (model output and structure)
Yaxing: Any science questions we can ask against this tool? 
Debbie: When looking at different data, bring only related characteristics in scope

[Authorship and MsTMIP fair use data policy]
Debbie: include in paper only figures that are already published
Debbie: Hide model names and use M1, M2, ... instead?
Aritra: Real data and real usage scenarios gave very positive feedbacks of those papers from reviewers
Debbie: MsTMIP data policy needs to be followed if real Mstmip data is involved and offer authorship to modelers. The bottom line is we need to inform modelers the papers we are working on.

7 models, some overlaps with MsTMIP
Nested model attributes; not too much data yet

Model Structure is described in the following paper:
Need to know more about the output data used in the Visualization Reconciliation Tool (is it SG3 or BG1?)
Improvements in the paper:
Pick a subset of the model structure factors
User interactions with the weights
Toggle off groups, if they didn’t contribute to the trends
            Add Christopher and Debbie as authors
            Have them review and provide input to the ms
Vis ms
            Replace figure 11 and 12 with other data
Replace with generic model names
            TBM 1
And parameter A, B
Make the executable code available to the group to play with, contribute ideas
            Jorge and Aritra

[Joint Prov-EVA Discussion]
    using Prov Tools in the EVA activities
        for DataONE Phase 2--have an 18 month window
MsTMIP-- Debbie and Christopher
    Phase 1
        processing  of model output into standard formats, doing QA/QC and then analysis
        Global simulations -- protocol is fixed but some models don't do some of the 
    Phase 2
        will need to track model inputs and model outputs
        will be smaller number of models

Digital Objects need to have an identifier
    file or granule level (Project, Model, Simulation, and Variable) probably needs an identifier, e.g. MsTMIPv1-ModelX-Global-SimY-VarZ
    combination of objects will define MsTMIP Release #1
    Steve Aulenbach uses this method within GCIS / NCA

MsTMIP versioning
- At some point, MsTMIP needs to release bundled model output version X to the broader user community. The bundle metadata needs to clearly capture what model-simulation-versions are included in a bundle.
- MsTMIP project, internally, needs to keep track of the evolving of each model output, how they changed from version1 to version4, what changes have been made in a new version.

Need to define what the provenance record looks like -- Steve Aulenbach's "pile" of information
    input data, code for various steps, etc.
GCIS / National Climate Assessment -- Steve Aulenbach

postgress database
Perl coding
available as an API
GCIS has a triple store
SPARKL endpoint

Provenance tasks:   some are tied to the CI of DataONE
        need to carve out effort for the MsTMIP PRovenance activity

paper in GMD on Provenance 
Best practices in terms of provenance and data management to better support modeling and intercomparison activities
Target at one or more science paper whose figures are all tracable&reproducible and their provenance&backend data are searchable and accessible from DataONE

1.  Summer Intern interacting with MsTMIP
2.  Revise Job Description for Provenance Post Doc, to capture MsTMIP activities
3.  Plan for DataONE Phase 2 
    WBS, work plans, and teleconferences
3.  GMD Paper on Provenance Best Practices
    Organize by 'level'
    -Tools to generate figure provenance (templet from National Climate Assessment)
    -Script version control
    -Model meta-data for terrestrial biogeochemistry
    Organize by 'example'

Wedneday Afternoon

Similarity Explorer
    improve the tool
    encourage the use of the tool in Research
    - quality check
    - this tool is more of an exploration tool. if writing papers, it needs to be more focused
    - the same model, compare between different simulationsmulations
    - Taylor diagram (use a multi-model mean as reference), linear regressions, scatter plots, histograms, Q-plot, P-values, R-square, slope (trend), bias
    - Integrate SimilarityExplorer into Vistrails/UV-CDAT (will require a lot of reengineering)
    - Customize SE for different scenarios (?)
    - SE is basically a visualization tool, very specific for some users/needs (what are these?)
    - Allow users to pick the years and see interannual variability
    - SE's advantage is its easiness and efficiency to help users to explore data
    - Convert SE into a Web-based tool

    - establish a stats plug in for Similarity Explorer
    integrate provenance into the tool
Kathe Toddd--Brown's ideas 
- Additional measures: slope and intercept w/ R2 and p-values, Taylor score
- New plots: Quartile / quartile, paired scatter plot, histogram, taylor diagram
- Constructed variables: residence time, water use efficiency
- Fitted statistlcial model (Reduced complexity model)
- compare similarity between output variables; compare similarity between input driver variables (e.g. CO2) and output variables (e.g. NEE) (this will focus more on trend than correlation)

Next 2 months:
- Tutorial for using SE and how to prepare data for SE (along with sample scripts)
- Extend SE to include visualization besides correlation (trend, bias) 
- Improve the spatial aggregation method to consider area of grid cells
- Besides LTM, include Anomaly
- Select different years
- User-defined spatial regions

Action Items:
- Update the line charts (Figures 11 and 12) in the critiques paper to use non-MsTMIP data
- Develop a webpage for SimilarityExplorer & other tools with download links for source code and executable code and screenshots under MsTMIP website

Wednesday Afternoon (after break)
Color Maps
Colorbrewer web site
            Nice selections of color scales 
Hard to have an optimal color scheme for multiple models
            Some large parts of the scale have the same color
Color Maps:  Surveys
    survey about amount represented by different maps:
        visual estimation of a quantity
        order maps based on the quantity
        which maps are similar, which maps are different
        which map has the most carbon fluxes
        which map has the highest / lowest average temperature
    need a data set displayed in an unexpected way -- e.g., Pangea
        maybe fuzz the data

Perceptually-balanced rainbow colormap: http://mycarta.wordpress.com/2012/12/06/the-rainbow-is-deadlong-live-the-rainbow-part-5-cie-lab-linear-l-rainbow/

Thursday Morning Discussion with Prov, Semantics, and CCIT

Place the MAST-DC holdings into a Generic Member Node
            Will have identifiers
            Can restrict the metadata viewing to only those who have permissions
Focus activities on Anna and Debbie’s groups
            Matlab code
                        Maybe convert to python or a generic Matlab
Have a meeting soon, perhaps in Flagstaff, to plan the activities 
Driver data:
            Provenance is in Yaxing’s paper
            Details of how the models used the driver data, linked to model output
Thursday morning (after break)

Future activities of EVA
    2-pager description - broad, multiple ideas
    based on tools that we've developed from EVA
    based on Visualization techniques for figures and maps
     Broader Impacts for proposals:    educational component for how to visualize data
        Training workshops

    improve clarity and effectivenss of charts / maps:  focus on a climate or terrestrial biosphere modeling
        empirical studies of visualization

target agencies and calls
    Foundations:  Sloan, Moore, 

    two months for a 2 page description

Ideas for NASA AIST 2-pager

Main idea : visualization and analysis of earth system models and benchmarking with data

(benchmarking = comparison of models with observations and data products (interpolated or derived from observations))

Two use cases:
1) Metamodel analysis/comparison

2) Model development (tweak and run again / see model improvement)
- introduce provenance to document what is changed
- use visualization to optimize parameters sets in the simulation

Pie in the sky:
3)  Data Integration or model inversion (Monte Carlo Markov Chain, Bayesian Nested Sampling) parameter distribution visualization tied to simulation results
- integration of data sets from DataOne repository

Tasks for product: 
-maps, scatter plots, histograms
-generation of novel variables (ie turnover time = carbon stock/outflux)
-statistical models (one pool decomposition/vegetation model, simplified GPP)
-script/data management (provenance)
-benchmarking, and comparison measures (correlations, bias, trends, R2, log-likelihood)

-software to do tasks (DataOne Provenance and EVA team?)
-integrated benchmarking data (DataOne repository)
-best practices for maps etc.(DataOne EVA)
-meta information for model comparison (DataOne Symantics and Provenance)

This could be used as a platform for data integration to include in a second step

    - Terrestrial Carbon Cycle (i.e., MsTMIP, RECCAP, TRANSCOM, iLAMB etc)
    - Air quality and air pollution transport: i.e., HTAP, http://www.htap.org/
    - Chemistry and climate coupled model, i.e., ACCMIP, http://accent.aero.jussieu.fr/ACCMIP_metadata.php
    - Climate: i.e., CMIP5 (not sure why this is Climate vs ESM)
    - Earth System Models: i.e., C4MIP ?CMIP5?

EVA Actions (end of workshop):
1.  For two papers in review:
Jorge and Aritra:
    - remove mention of MsTMIP models (replace with M1, M2, etc, and anonimize variables; review MsTMIP description in papers and expand, because of this new approach)
    - replace Figures 11 and 12 with new data (regional synthesis?)---Yaxing to provide data by June 2
    - Debbie had some comments on the Vis Design paper
    - add Debbie and Christopher to authorship  
    - when we receive the comments, send to all authors  

2.  Papers / presentations / posters for the DataONE quarterly report
    - CCSI SAB poster -- Yaxing
    - software expo -- John Cobb
    - Webinar to demonstrate Similarity Explorer -Bob
3.  Make similarity explorer executable code available  (Yaxing and Yan)
    - provide on MsTMIP Web site
    - provide some explanation of input data (what scenario is used?)  (ok to use in an exploratory mode??) link to the policy
    - provide tutorial / Webinar
4.  Make "Vis reconciliation" tool  executable code available  (Yaxing and Yan)
    - provide on MsTMIP Web site
    - link to data policy
    - explain structural data and model output data -- which scenarios are displayed?
5.  MsTMIP team needs to expand model structure info to include continuous properties (number of pools, etc.)   

6.  Summer Intern activities:  Yan
    - assist with the tutorials for SimExplorer and VisReconciliation
    - summarize functionality of the http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/cgi-bin/data/getpage.pl
     - develop list of user suggested changes to two tools --- SimExplorer and VisReconciliation
     -update EVA wiki with material from Workshop
7. ORNL DAAC to archive structural data
    who are the authors?

8.  set up MsTMIP model output for Provenance tasks in DataONE Phase 2
    - plan - capture requirements for MsTMIP, DAAC, and DataONE
    - develop structure for MsTMIP data, with temp-DOIs (~10; data set level) and object identifiers (~file level)
    - set up TDS
        - extract metadata from netCDF files in TDS
        - compile additional metadata for data files to meet ORNL DAAC and DataONE
    - set up Mercury for MAST-DC
    - set up MAST-DC MN for DataONE

GMD Paper on Provenance Best Practices
    Organize by 'level'
    -Tools to generate figure provenance (templet from National Climate Assessment)
    -Script version control
    -Model meta-data for terrestrial biogeochemistry
    Organize by 'example'