EVA Subgroup on Visualization Techniques June 27, 2013 at 12 noon EDT ------------------------------------------------------- To join the online meeting ------------------------------------------------------- 1. Go to https://edss.webex.com/edss/j.php?ED=209086072&UID=1405568547&PW=NZDQ1MTgzMmZk&RT=MiMxMQ%3D%3D 2. If requested, enter your name and email address. 3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: 20130627 4. Click "Join". ------------------------------------------------------- To join the audio conference ------------------------------------------------------- 888-551-7631 pass code: 7813231 ------------------------------------------------------- Participants Jorge, Steve, Yaxing, Anna, Claudio, Fei Du, Bill Hargrove, Christopher, Enrico Bertini, Bob Cook Agenda 1. Introduction - Bob 2. 2 examples of how visualizations can be improved - Aritra 3. Plan and schedule-- Aritra 4. Discussion - all 5. Next call 6. Next Face-to-Face meeting we will adjourn just before 1 pm EDT Telecon Notes 1. Introduction http://epad.dataone.org/EVA-Vis-Critique-2013-05-30 2. 2 examples of how visualizations can be improved - Aritra Set of slides 3. Plan and Schedule Plan for the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) Paper 1. Taxonomy of design problems developed from 100 to 200 images from TBM community have evaluated 106, need another 100 or so images: check with Steve A., Forrest, and Bill Hargrove (map curves?). Bill: More thoughts on conception nature of comparison Enrico: Visualization used for communication and exploration purposes who: Aritra and Jorge with Claudio and Enrico methododolgy: partially described in Sect 2.1 of the vis paper??? using general design principles to evaluate the images expand Sect 2.1 to fully describe the method for applying general vis design principles and how they were used to evaluate the images Talk with Anna and Forrest and ??? to get more images Compile a database of images with: intent, problem description, recommendations, communications between us and scientists 2. Need to have 5 or so figures of a diversity of types derived from the Taxonomy of Design Problems (Step #1 above) include complexity of the image as a contributor to the diversity 3. Identify the problems and redo the images with our solutions already have re-done two images (from March Vis paper) 4. Discuss the problems and the re-done figures with the EVA group 5. survey the community to see if those improvements are suitable how do we plan to present this in the manuscript? make a plan, which will guide our discussion with scientists and usability survey 6. develop guidelines / conclusions state general visualization design principles present best practices originating from this paper include some info about good images found during the initial steps (Step 1 above) The InfoVis paper plus reviews will be a good starting point for the TVCG paper. Schedule The schedule that we discussed for completing this paper was basically a couple of months July and August to do the main work and prepare a draft and a month September to do a careful internal review of the paper. 4. Discussion Steve: keep activities well bounded, climate scientists; next phase (after successful completion of this activity) consider working with managers (eg, land managers); third phase perhaps consider conveying this type of information to decision makers Actions: 1). New image examples to be collected: Bill, Steve, Anna, Christopher, Forrest, ... 2). Compile a document of current images with our (e.g. Aritra's) understanding of the messages that authors wanted to convey and share within this EVA group. Allow anyone to comment and provide feedbacks. Aritra Dasgupta 5. Next call Week of July 22 please indicate days / times for which you are not available Christopher: all times work, 9-3 Arizona time Steve: Monday 11-12, Wednesday 10-12, Friday 11-12, Mountain time Bill H.: I'm out on *vacation* all week, sorry. Could possibly phone in though ... 6. Next Face to Face Meeting September? Venue? Oak Ridge Bay area Boulder? other Claudio: end of september Anna: first week of Sept will be away Steve: generally open in sept Bill: Sept 26-29 will be away Christopher: teaching a lot in Sept, but may work (I need to be in FLG the week of 16-18 for sure).