USA-NPN (USA National Phenology Network) - DataONE Member Node kickoff meeting 24 July 2013, 2pm EDT, 1pm CDT, noon MDT, 11am AZ/PDT, 10am AK 1. Please join my meeting. 2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone. Dial +1 (805) 309-0010 Access Code: 606-200-417 Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting Meeting ID: 606-200-417 Attending: John Cobb, Alyssa Rosemartin, Lee Marsh, Laura Moyers Regrets: Bruce Wilson Redmine ticket: Agenda: Introductions Laura - MN coordinator for DataONE (UTK) Alyssa - AD/IT coordinator for USA-NPN (sit in Tuscon, AZ) Lee - s/w developer for USA-NPN (sit in Tucson, AZ) John - MN coordinator for DataONE (ORNL) Where we are now Lee: went to DataONE workshop 9/2011, learned about s/w stack for metacat instance, etc.; things seem to be working well, but don't have an LDAP server set up yet (authentication service) John: new version of metacat came online with ability to publish out of metacat an interface that will work with DataONE API Lee: in 2011 it looked difficult but in the past couple weeks Lee was able to install and it worked very nicely John: see IRC Lee: plan is to get an LDAP system installed ?? do we need a CILogon to work with this?? John: needs to be authentication between node and D1 CN, D1 issues an authentication ticket to recognize/validate MN Discussion of tiers: * Tier 1: read only (NPN thinks this is where they wish to operate) * Tier 2: authentication needed (needs sign-in of some sort - see CILogon) D1 created an interoperable authentication/logon mechanism * Tier 3: willing to allow replication of my data at another MN * Tier 4: willing to host replication from other MNs Lee: when was decision made to go from original design to tiered concept John: it's been a long time, version 1 of DataONE (released last July 2012) has the tiered concept Alyssa: we think we want to operate at tier 1 John: another question - what data do you want to publish? * decide what data to publish * create persistent identifiers (DOIs) * metadata Alyssa: we think we'll have one dataset that's historic wildlife data, others by year Lee: DOIs, option to use generated numbers as long as they're unique John: yes, we're trying to create long-term archives with immutable, persistent identifiers Lee: I think there are organizations that create PIDs, Bruce knows about this Alyssa: we'll work on PIDs/DOIs with Bruce Lee: "live" data with data submitted by citizen scientists (i.e. Nature's Notebook) John: decide when to publish the data - yearly? monthly? and how to package it. DataONE recognizes this issue in more than one MNs operations John: with streaming data or frequently updated data, can have the "latest and greatest" data with a given DOI, recognizing that the contents of that DOI We looked at the flowchart: We're in the Develop phase: establish a test system John: first test phase is more of a "are you alive?" (heartbeat), next steps look at data/metadata, etc.; then staging (make sure everything is "pretty" before we go production); ACTION: John to send "welcome" email to Alyssa, Lee Laura: it appears that we are at the "establish a test system" step Alyssa: due date (as in redmine) of 10/31/13 seems reasonable John: probably need to set a follow-up meeting to ensure that Lee has everything he needs to move forward ACTION: Laura to check Dave and/or Ben for availability Next steps ACTION: John to send "welcome" email to Alyssa, Lee: Complete ACTION: Laura to check Dave and/or Ben for availability for follow-up meeting Laura to send MNF info to Alyssa and Lee Laura to send summary email related to "welcome" letter to all involved