USA-NPN (USA National Phenology Network) - DataONE Member Node follow-up meeting

16 October 2013, 3pm EDT, 2pm CDT, 1pm MDT, noon AZ/PDT, 11am AK
 - previous meeting epads:,,,,

Attending:  Bruce, Lee, Laura, Ben


Redmine ticket:


Lee update current status:  
    Production MN is working, s/w installed on server, configured w/LDAP server, certificates there; added a data file a couple days ago but Lee hasn't had a chance to check that it is synching correctly with CN
    DOIs - may be cost-prohibitive via some sources; USGS has a service that can generate DOIs for organizations that are associated with them

Questions from NPN that DataONE can address?    
    1 - how can we test/verify data synchronization?
    2 - chicken-and-egg - need a DOI to put data in DataONE, but USGS needs a URL before it can issue a DOI; perhaps we can say "this WILL BE the URL when I get a DOI" or can we say that the URL is to be determined.
    NPN node is registered in production but it hasn't been "turned on" yet. 
    Need OREs.  Feature in metacat that will generate those for you.  
    Lee has been adding data via metacat; he was having problems with morpho.  (this is the "old" metacat API)  With the "old" metacat, OREs are not automatically generated; with the "new" one, OREs are automatically generated.  Ben recommends upgrading to newest version of metacat (should be end of this week).  
    Lee: Is there any other approved mechanism for adding data (other than morpho and "old" metacat)?  
    Ben: Yes.
    Lee:  Perhaps some of the difficulties I had loading data earlier were related to security concerns.  Now that we have a legit cert, perhaps those problems wouldn't occur.
    Lee:  excel has a record limit that will not accommodate the number of records that NPN will have.  May have to split files up.
    Ben:  Lee can generate OREs and if he's happy with the content (Lee may add a few more files) we can "turn on" NPN and verify synchronization, etc.  Ben to check with CCIT (after checking OREs) and verify that we can officially move to production. 
    Will need press release information from Alyssa.

DOI should point to ORE --- maybe?  or a landing page?  Lee was going to point it to the metadata file (also works).  
