Member Node Wranglers (Fridays at 10:00 am AK/11:00 AM PST/noon MST/1pm CST/2pm EST)

17 May 2013 - un-meeting - several people travelling today, next meeting 24 May 2013

Attendees:Rebecca (checked epad), Amber Owens looked at epad for "unmeeting",


        1. High profile issues
        2. Status of MNs 
            MNs discussed last time:
            "stale" MNs: need an update on these MNs in redmine, please - 
                    DSpace (3425 - last update in redmine: 12/14/12)
                    GLEON (3422 - last update in redmine: 12/14/12)
                    Fedora (3423 - last update in redmine: 12/14/12)
                    Prarie Research Institute (3519 - last update in redmine: 1/25/13)
                    ARCTOS (3520 - last update in redmine: 1/25/13)
        3. Old action items 
            ALL: look at open redmine tickets for MNDeployment and ensure they are assigned to the right person
            Amber and Laura:  template for MNs who are presenting at DUG to deliver to participating MNs so  they will have a starting point.  
            Amber: send list of registered DUG attendees to Laura (Amber is traveling so RK will do it and copy Amber)
            Laura: contact MN POCs from Amber's list to see if they want to participate in showcase
            Laura: contact unregistered MN POCs, ask if they are attending the DUG and if so, do they wish to participate in showcase
            Dave: add "duplicate" status in redmine
            Laura: update ticket # 3693 status to "duplicate"  (update: "duplicate" status not available yet, will watch for it)

        4. not-high profile issues
        5. around the room