Member Node Wranglers (Fridays at 10:00 am AK/11:00 AM PST/12:00 MST/1:00pm CST/2:00pm EST)

2 August 2013                              

Attendees:  Laura, Bruce, Amber, Dave V.

Regrets:  Rebecca

        1. High profile issues
        2. Status of MNs 
        3. Old action items
            From Amber: I have set about a google map of DataONE MNs 

The purpose is twofold: 1) when we need a map for presentations we have something that is up-to-date (I found myself adding triangles to our map for my presentation for this meeting) 2) In the absence of our dashboard, I was also thinking that we could put this on our site?  There are pros and cons of having a google map - it'd be nice if we could customize the look a little

Comment:  It may be useful to rethink this a bit. For exampe, While LTER network office is in Alb. the LTER holdings probably constitute many, many  pin-pricks on a map like this.

Example peer benchmark: ODG (b.t.w. this display is also a good case studiy w.r.t. to dashboard presentation planning)

Desire  is to have one authoritative source for this geospatial kind of information.  How do we ensure that the data is updated, minimize effort to add/update MN info, etc.?  
Dave: can add some custom fields to redmine tickets to indicate lat/long; important that we capture the information so that it is in one place, easily maintained, easy to generate map views, etc.
Bruce: redmine is the closest thing we have to a master list (as a source)
Amber: classification of status of MNs - operational, in process (programming/testing, etc.), potential MNs
Bruce: will take a crack at defining the statuses more discretely
Laura: should I go ahead and add nearly-there MNs to the Google map or hold off?
Amber: can add, and we were looking at making this available on the MN part of the website, but it's related to the dashboard, and if the dashboard is coming soon it mightn't make sense to have the Google MN map out there for only a month...
Bruce: where is best lat/long data for MNs
Dave: in operations area of subversion
ACTIONS:  Bruce will pull together lat/long data and Laura will update redmine, Bruce will then pull from redmine to generate MN "maps"
        4. Not-high profile issues
        5. Around the room
       Dave:  KU needs to finalize testing process, need some guidance, then test, then go live.  Continuing activity on Dryad; Chris thinks it's nearly resolved.  
       Amber: nothing today
       Bruce: nothing today; can use David Doyle (UTK MS student) to work with Rob on the documentation issues.
       Laura: all of the items above :)