Member Node Wranglers (
    Fridays at 10:00 am AK
                    11:00 AM PDT
                    12:00 MDT
                    1:00pm CDT
                    2:00pm EDT)

13 September 2013

Attendees:  Rebecca,John Cobb, Amber, Bruce, Chris
Regrets:  Laura  :( 

        1. High profile issues
        Documentation - Meeting 9/9 2:00 EDT identified current documentation, audiences, entry points, action items.  (Dave)

        2. Status of MNs 
<<< left over from last time >>>
        3. Old action items
             Laura to check into AKN/eBird tickets (3560 and 3209).   
     is eBird (operational)
    is what will be the broader AKN (in Product Backlog)
             Regarding URN, Steve Kelling says CLOAKN is NOT the right name to associate with the current MN (eBird).  Previously, we had  said (at least amongst ourselves) that it would be really nasty to try to change the URN on a MN.  We probably ought to have a separate meeting, maybe  with the eBird and AKN folks or maybe just us and then with them, to try  to sort this out.
             OPeNDAP (Hyrax) member node:  We think Jing Tao is looking at the level of effort to do this.  Bruce, Matt, Dave to telecon with James Gallagher and Dave Fulker next Thursday to work on mechanics and longer term plans.  
             Working on developing a reference architecture document as the intermediate level of detail. 
        4. Not-high profile issues
           Rebecca had asked: what is the status of the issue where some MNs think they have more products than what DataONE shows?  Is it resolved?  (USGS and ORNL DAAC have had this issue where they think they have more data products  than we see in DataONE.)
        John: there are redmine tickets which track this issue

            ... looking at tickets....
        Seeing a lot of tickets which show "new" are probably resolved but ticket hasn't been updated.
           ACTION: follow up on tickets that may not be necessarily assigned to us - BIG job - let's talk about this again when Dave's with us.
        5. Around the room

Q: (REbecca) can we tell who is in staging now?
A: Check Redmine (Bruce)

Q: (Amber) General Dashboard Question: Is it worthwhile to have a structured feedback process on Dashboard issues?  General agreement that this needs to happen.  Also need to look at usabilty of the presentation of the data.  One column that overpowers everything else.  John -- if I'm a MN operator, can there be a tab that shows what's up.  Same thing for someone downloading data.  &&&&&.  Further discussion of where does the MN dashboard fit on the public web site.  Need assess stakeholders and structure of the public web site.  Could put dashboard under about, could put it in data.  Need to discuss this at AHM.  Likely want to go with current structure for Bill to have things to show for NSF on Thursday of AHM meeting week.  
I assumed that the dashboard would appear somehwere like
(and may appear elsewhere)
but I am out the loop a bit 

Action: Consideration of website structure and potential resigned (MN under About? Participate? Data? or as own Stakeholder Tab?).  have this conversation at the AHM in the context of the full website.