Member Node Wranglers 
    Fridays at 10:00 am AK
                    11:00 AM PDT
                    12:00 MDT
                    1:00pm CDT
                    2:00pm EDT)

3 January 2014

Attending: Laura, John, Amber, Rebecca, Dave, Bruce

Regrets:  Matt, Mike


        1. High profile issues (or current items of interest)
        Dashboard meeting 12/18/13 - reviewed changes based on suggestions at AHM made to date, clarified what some values are, etc.  
        epad from the meeting is  
        Tentative plan is to push out the simple dashboard mid-January and then add map functionality prior to NSF review end of February.
        CN synch issue - Per Dave 12/20/13:  A solution has been identified, it is being implemented, but is not yet complete. Expect resolution next week.

        New MNs announcements? -  holding off until after CN issues resolved; SEAD has been announced:; holding off on NPN, KU, GOA (need MN official approval)
        Status of news release text: NPN complete.  Nothing for KU (DD missing?) and GOA has outline (DD status?)

        IDCC workshop 2/27/14? -  workshop announced  
            previous workshop execution included info on ITK, this will be touched upon in the new workshop but will have more information re: actual MN implementation
            Bruce to set up collaboration area for us to work together on this.  Dropbox.  Use Rebecca's gmail account, and Laura ( and Amber's unm (, Dave dropbox:  BEW: DONE
        Dryad ready to come online after CN synch.  Would be nice for Dryad to advertise coming online via social media (twitter, etc.).
        2. Status of MNs
        3. Old action items
        4. Not-high profile issues
        5. Around the room
            Rebecca: documentation status?  Laura is working on detailed (below the MN checklist) information.  I'd like to have it done before the IDCC workshop (Laura).  What about operations docs?  Other higher priority issues (like CN synch) have bumped them out.
            Amber: nothing today
            Dave: Hope to have info next week on OPeNDAP and DSpace work.
            Bruce: nothing else
            John: nothing