Member Node Wranglers 
    Fridays at 10:00 am AK
                    11:00 AM PDT
                    12:00 MDT
                    1:00pm CDT
                    2:00pm EDT)

10 January 2014
Attending: Laura, John, Dave, Amber, Rebecca, Bruce

Regrets:  Matt


        1. High profile issues (or current items of interest)
        Dashboard:  Tentative plan is to push out the simple dashboard mid-January and then add map functionality prior to NSF review end of February.  Delayed because of CN synch, but it's in pretty good shape.  
        CN synch issue - Per Dave 1/9/14 (MNF):  Expect resolution next week.  Very complicated issue; we think we've identified/solved the original cause of the synch issue (this impacted maybe 1% of records).

        New MNs announcements? -  holding off until after CN issues resolved
            do we have a desc doc for KUBI? - Dave?  yes, they have a draft version they will send to us.

Status of News Release: NPN - done, GOA - missing, KUBI - ?, Dryad - ?  --  I'll follow up on these (Laura).

        IDCC workshop 2/27/14 -  workshop announced  
             Bruce set up a collaboration area in Dropbox for us to work together on this. 
             Bruce to check with Rebecca and see to whom we have extended invitations so far. 
        Dryad ready to come online after CN synch.  Would be nice for Dryad to advertise coming online via social media (twitter, etc.).
            Ryan is working on installing certificate(s), register in staging to do a complete test of the most accurate/complete Dryad data.  We're confident that the majority of Dryad's data will index properly.  
        2. Status of MNs
        A couple new folks expressing interest:
        3. Old action items
        4. Not-high profile issues
        5. Around the room
            Rebecca - ESIP, talked to guy from Michigan, running metacat, asking lots of questions, may have more in common with other biological field stations, pick up after the RSV
                met with James (OPeNDAP)
                Bob Cook's concerns: there's a lot more data in thread servers than in OPeNDAP; there were discussions about threads
                ORNL is running threads completely (no OPeNDAP)
                talked with Andrew (OSF - Open Science Framework) - will move forward with this
            Laura needs to ensure that we have current news releases ready to go ASAP.  NPN needs to be announced first, on its own.  Suggest we still announce individually but wait a day or two between.
            Get Australia TERN info before Tuesday 1/14/14. (Laura)
            Amber:  see above
            John: nope
            Dave: nope
            Bruce: nothing else