Member Node Wranglers 
    Fridays at 10:00 am AK
                    11:00 AM PDT
                    12:00 MDT
                    1:00pm CDT
                    2:00pm EDT)

24 January 2014
Attending:  Bruce, John, Rebecca, Laura, Amber

Regrets:  Dave


        1. High profile issues (or current items of interest)
        Dashboard:   Tentative  plan is to push out the simple dashboard mid-January and  then add map  functionality prior to NSF review end of February.   Delayed because of CN synch, but it's in pretty good shape.  Can the dashboard be turned on very quickly after the CN fix?  How can we take a look at how it currently exists?  Ask Dave (Laura).
        CN synch issue - (from 1/23/14 MNF) Chris said a new design was approved and that development is proceeding; when asked for a possible completion date, he said hopefully two weeks.    But it doesn't look good.
        New MNs announcements? -  holding off until after CN issues resolved
            Status of MN desc doc / press release for upcoming MNs: (will ensure most recent version of DD is in plone)
            NPN,KU and GOA will  be announced VERY SOON before the synch
            Dryad will go immediately after the synch
            Need to get EDAC ASAP after Dryad
           Ensure  that we have technical and project reps involved in review of PRs.

ACTION:  Laura to get Dave/Matt for meeting - done
ACTION:  Laura to list everything we need prior to official release, needed immediately, before meeting with Dave/Matt
            also look at what we need for dashboard before release
ACTION:  Laura to talk with Dave re: dashboard review and ability to go to prod asap after CN fix - done

        IDCC workshop 2/27/14 -  workshop announced  
             Bruce set up a collaboration area in Dropbox for us to work together on this. 
             We've  offered support to Luke Sheneman (NKN), Nicole Kaplan (Colorado State)  from CitSci, someone from DFC (but we think they're paying their own  way), and I think Rebecca was going to email Hannu (EU BON).  Is there  anyone else we need to especially ask?  Perhaps Amber/Rebecca have made  some contacts at their meeting this (last) week...  Yes!  Amber to follow up with Michael Zentner, looks like a great possibility.  Rebecca: Dave Bloom (VertNet?) (invitiation to workshop and DUG)
Michael Zenter bio:           
Michael Zentner
Senior Research Scientist & Entrepreneur in Residence, Network for Computational Nanotechnology & The Foundry, Purdue University
For 17 years I have spent my career in startup businesses as founder or senior team member. Three years ago I joined Purdue and the NCN. Today I am the assessment team lead for Our project attracts a large number of users each year, and uniquely offers online simulation and high performance computing cluster access through a simple web browser interface. In spite of our success in attracting members and users, we still struggle with ways in which our project can become self-sustaining. As nanotechnology will still be relevant at the end of our project period, we would like our project to continue to serve this community in new ways we may not have conceived today and potentially monetize those services. 

David Bloom bio:
David Bloom
VertNet Project Coordinator, University of California Berkeley
As the Project Coordinator for the VertNet project I have had the opportunity to indulge my long-standing interests in biodiversity, data access, and museums.  My propensity for cat-herding has led me to work as a facilitator for teams of researchers, academics, programmers, and the public to develop a wide-range of products.  VertNet brings together four historic biodiversity data-sharing networks (MaNIS, FishNet, ORNIS, HerpNET) under a single umbrella with the goals to make data quality as high, and data discoverability as easy, as possible.  
        Dryad ready to come online after CN synch.  From 1/23/14 MNF: see status update below - Chris to help Ryan.  Pushing to get this live before RSV.

        1.5    Current MNs
                LTER - at MNF 1/23/14, Mark said that they are holding off on making the transition from current system to PASTA GMN until after the CN issue is resolved.
        2. Status of upcoming MNs
        3. Old action items
        4. Not-high profile issues
        From 1/17/14 MNW: we need to look at the process of  communicating important  changes/completions/etc. to our users.  Perhaps  have a "milestone"  ticket to indicate when important things are moved  to production.  On a related note, Laura was "interested" to learn of some pending MNs' statuses by accident yesterday (1/23/14).  Hopefully a defined (and used) process of communicating statuses would help (or maybe I just need to be on another list where these things are discussed).  argh.
        5. Around the room
            Amber: IDCC MN workshop, was invitation only at the beginning, need to announce widely - or NOT if we are inviting two more people.  It looks like we only have two spots left.  Amber to follow up and see if we have spots before we widen the invitation.
            Rebecca: nothing else
            John: nope