Member Node Wranglers 
    Fridays at 10:00 am AK
                    11:00 AM PST
                    12:00 MST
                    1:00pm CST
                    2:00pm EST)

31 January 2014
Attending:  Rebecca, Amber, Laura, Dave, Bruce

Regrets: John Cobb, Matt Jones


        1. High profile issues (or current items of interest)
Dave said the dashboard is in a fully functional state and can be shown through the test site if need be.  I think this means that we can look at it now and review it based on previous recommendations, etc.  Skye is of course working on CN things right now but afterwards will be freed up to work on the dashboard again.  We need recommendations suggested at AHM (and afterwards clarified) to be implemented prior to RSV.
    It would be helpful to pre-digest and prioritize suggestions for the dashboard - let's plan on focusing on this task at the next MNW.
        CN synch issue - testing the different pieces of the fix right now, a little work remaining on the application that actually runs the fix, if all tests continue to go well, we expect to start running the fix late next week.  Nothing about this prohibits adding new MNs until the fix starts running.
        New MNs announcements? -  

        IDCC workshop 2/27/14 -  as of 1/29/14 7 confirmed attendees with at least one additional (David Bloom - VertNet)
        workshop announced  
        Bruce set up a collaboration area in Dropbox for us to work together on this. 
        Amber:  registration closes 2/7/14.  Need contact info for registrants.  Also, we are talking about contacting registrants re: what they need/expect from this session, either survey or an email.   Would like to get Bruce/Dave/Amber/Chris/Laura together next week.

        1.5    Current MNs

        2. Status of upcoming MNs
        3. Old action items
             Discussion 1/28/14 re: process/procedure for turning on a MN clarified.  How best to share that Excel spreadsheet (Google Docs? plone? dropbox? repo?)
        4. Not-high profile issues
            How do people get added to the MNForum mailing list?  If people express an interest or a new MN is coming online, Laura will ask that they be added to the list (, Dave, Amber, Matt).  
            What about the mninfo email address mentioned in the MNF?  It's not currently being used, so we'll remove it from the MNF epads.  The concept is to centralize MN questions/answers.  We'll take a look at this in a few weeks.
            We think the folks at ASU are interested in moving forward.  

        5. Around the room
            Rebecca: see above
            Amber: nope
            Dave: nope
            Bruce: I'm good too.
            Laura: see above.