Member Node Wranglers 
    Fridays at 10:00 am Alaska
                    11:00 am Pacific
                    12:00 noon Mountain
                    1:00 pm Central
                    2:00 pm Eastern

21 February 2014

Attending:  Laura, Amber, Rebecca, Dave

Regrets:  Bruce (maybe)


        1. High profile issues (or current items of interest)
        New MNs announcements? -  
        IDCC workshop 2/27/14 -  

        1.5    Current MNs
Bill, Amber and John,
Today we published the eBird Observational Dataset to DataONE. This dataset is formatted in EML. I've notified people at GBIF VertNET, Map of Life and the AKN that they can access the data from DataONE.
The eBird observational dataset (EOD) contains primary species occurrence data defined as a record of a particular taxon in a particular place at a particular point in time. eBird data consisting of location, date, and species are provided in the EOD to ensure that they can be integrated with other observational data and natural history collections data for estimating patterns in biodiversity. The EOD 2013 can be openly shared.
The published version of the EOD contains more than 150 million observations, a 50% increase from last year. Data are from every country and include records for more than 98% of all known bird species. 
We suggest that you replace the existing eBird EOD 2012 with the current EOD 2013 and NOT try to append older versions. This is because the eBird dataset is very active and constantly revised. 
For more information on eBird and our data management strategy please see:
            ACTION:  Laura talk to Steve.
        2. Status of upcoming MNs
        3. Old action items
        4. Not-high profile issues
        5. Around the room