Member Node Wranglers 
    Fridays at 10:00 am Alaska
                    11:00 am Pacific
                    12:00 noon Mountain
                    1:00 pm Central
                    2:00 pm Eastern

14 March 2014  (it's pi day)
Attending:  Bruce, Dave, John, Rebecca

Regrets:  Amber


        1. High profile issues (or current items of interest)
        New MNs announcements? -  
        1.5    Current MNs
                      after further review, it looks like there is nothing to address;   perhaps he was just "documenting" so there would be no question about   their dataset (replacing with all + current rather than adding a   separate dataset with just current)
                    Laura to check DOIs on the 2012 dataset and 2013 dataset (related to the whole immutability issue)
                     FOLLOW-UP:  The DOIs are unique for the 2012 and 2013 datasets.  The  2012 data has been deleted.  :(  This is a case where it would have been really nice to have replication turned on and have a replica of the  2012 dataset preserved out there somewhere.  Something to consider in the future.  2012 data is included in the 2013 dataset, but the specific version of the 2012 data that a user may have previously accessed is no  longer available.
                    (see how NPN does data too)
                     FOLLOW-UP:  NPN has 6 datasets for years 2008-2013.  Each new year's  worth of data will be in its own dataset, i.e. a separate dataset for  2014.

        2. Status of upcoming MNs
From LT epad from Matt:
PPBIO (Program for Planned Biodiversity) MN still working on connectivity issues at LLNC; they discovered firewall issues today; Ben Leinfelder @ NCEAS is continuing to work with them.
        3. Old action items
        4. Not-high profile issues
        5. Around the room