Member Node Wranglers 
    Fridays at 10:00 am Alaska
                    11:00 am Pacific
                    12:00 noon Mountain
                    1:00 pm Central
                    2:00 pm Eastern

21 March 2014  
Attending:  Laura, Rebecca, Dave, Amber, John Cobb

Regrets:  Bruce


        1. High profile issues (or current items of interest)
        CN fix? - Dave said it was running yesterday at MNF; stopped, made fixes and running again today
        New MNs announcements? -  
        1.5    Current MNs

        2. Status of upcoming MNs
        3. Old action items
        4. Not-high profile issues
        5. Around the room
            Dave: nothing special
            Amber: travelling/meetings next couple weeks
            Rebecca: operations documentation;  We would like to pull out MN specific documentation and make it more stand-alone, separate from the general operations docs; when Rob is available we'll work on this again.  The MN Deployment section is looking good (IMO); next step there is to add links to detailed information that we know exists (some of it lower down in Operations, some maybe in Architecture)
                Section to be added: ongoing operations
                    taking node down/up
                    going out of business
                    changing out servers?
                what about defining expectations? should there be procedures (as in case of deleting a dataset), or should we talk with MNs about expectations (like turning replication on, etc.)
            John: MNs will lose data, so perhaps we need to state up front that it's possible that data discoverable via DataONE may not be available at a point in time
                “A distributed system is one in which the failure of a computer you didn't even know existed can render your own computer unusable” Les Lamport  (who won the Turing award this week)