Member Node Wranglers Fridays at 10:00 am Alaska 11:00 am Pacific 12:00 noon Mountain 1:00 pm Central 2:00 pm Eastern 28 March 2014 - CANCELLED UPDATING IN PROGRESS Attending: Regrets: Agenda: 1. High profile issues (or current items of interest) CN fix? in process, will announce when complete MN Dashboard - meeting 3/31/14 at 2p Mountain time EDAC and LTER-Europe are ready to go, but we are going to hold off until after the CN fix to 1.5 Current MNs Nothing needs addressing at this time. 2. Status of upcoming MNs Future * Australia (4286): met 3/27/14. Bruce sent out draft MOU, Alison/Nikki updated, and they have templates for us to work on based on previous work with NEON. Will be working in dropbox, meet again week of 14 April, plan to meet f2f at AHM. * Y5Q3 * GLEON (3422) - * LTER-Europe (3232) - News item approved; hold off until CN fix completed. * EDAC (3221) - Soren says EDAC is ready to go. * PPBio (3748) - Debora says "things are advancing to solve the replication issues, but still not solved". * SAEON (3205) - Chris says he is awaiting response from Wim re: upgrading their metacat. * NKN (3238) - Ed has re-registered in the sandbox and things appear to be working ok Laura to email Ed for status * Y5Q4 * DFC (3532) - Chris has been working with Lisa Stillwell and Mary Whitton answering questions * MPC (3708) - Email traffic re: data package formats, etc. * ORNL "slender nodes" (RGD (4248) and EDORA (4247)) 3. Old action items MN Documentation - MN Deployment and MN Ongoing Operations - holding 4. Not-high profile issues * Laura working with Roger on redmine ticket generator - meet week of 31 March 5. Around the room