Member Node Wranglers - please note time change to half-past the hour Fridays at 10:30 am Alaska 11:30 am Pacific 12:30 noon Mountain 1:30 pm Central 2:30 pm Eastern Please note new GTM info, also: * 13 June 2014 Attending: Rebecca, Dave, Laura Regrets: Bruce, Amber, John Agenda: NOTE: New meeting time at least through the end of July - 2:30p Eastern 1. High profile issues (or current items of interest) MN Dashboard - discussed load time issue 5/30/14, Dave is putting in a ticket to resolve as of MNF 6/12/14, I was able to bring it up in Firefox right away, no delays (Hold off on this until everyone present) Purpose of MN Description Document (past and future) - past: identify data holdings (type, volume, etc.), operations, to aid in MN development. future: ??? Question: revisit the default "only results with data" checkbox to unchecked; what is the process for making this decision? Let's bring it up at the DUG. Dave suggests not having that checkbox at the beginning of the search, but when you get results have a checkbox there to specify all/only results with data. Dave to talk with Skye re: what it would involve. 1.5 Current MNs CDL's synchronization is still turned off - Laura to ask Chris about CDL's current status - troubleshooting errors we got during the tidy process, Laura to check with Stephen Abrams 2. Status of upcoming MNs * Y5Q4 * LTER-Europe (3232) - they aren’t producing OREs yet, since they aren’t serving data files yet; they plan to include data in the next six months or so and then will produce OREs * Ready to announce? Yes - Laura to double-check with Chris to confirm. * EDAC (3221) - Harvesting has begun and Rob is doing final checks. - Laura to check with Rob. see also tier 4 MN coming up - talk with Soren * DFC (3532) - Bruce has corresponded with Lisa; following up - Rebecca: talked with Reagan, they plan to do one iRods installation (a NC piece of CUASHI) * MPC (3708) - registering in sandbox - checking in... * ORNL MNs (RGD (4248) and EDORA (4247)) - moved to "testing", MNDDs/logo for EDORA and RGD received from Bob; Jim is registering both in staging; next discussion during the CCIT meeting week of 23 June * GLEON (3422) - Corinna hopes to have some early adopters deposit their data into the sandbox GLEON MN and at the workshop in October have some other folks deposit their data while there. If all goes well, we could move their (limited data) MN to production afterwards. * PPBio (3748) - Debora says they have moved everything back to INPA and are working through some certification issues (on their end). Hope to move forward ASAP after these resolved * NKN (3238) - They had had some issues and in the process of rebuilding, they decided to go with a redhat install rather than ubuntu; working. * SAEON (3205) - Chris is working with Alex to find a time when they can upgrade their metacat (Laura to talk with Chris) Future * TERN Australia (4286): Plan to meet with Nikki Thurgate at the DUG. (Bruce - call about "swinging by" where Nikki is in CO around that time) * IARC (International Arctic Research Center) (4700) - Jim to start serious development week of 6/2/14 (Laura to check in) (Rebecca to check on PO for his work) (this is a GeoNetwork node) * EU BON -- Looking to deploy a test MN (probably Sierra Nevada) in the next 6-9 months. 3. Old action items MN Documentation - MN Deployment and MN Ongoing Operations - holding 4. Not-high profile issues * Redmine ticket generator - plan to apply to IARC and GBIF (Laura to follow up with Roger) 5. Around the room Rebecca commented about MN workshops and the need to create modules and tailor workshop to attendees; send out survey to attendees prior so we know what their needs are. Dave - nothing else today