Member Node Wranglers Fridays at 10:30 am Alaska 11:30 am Pacific 12:30 noon Mountain 1:30 pm Central 2:30 pm Eastern GTM info: * 12 September 2014 Attending: Laura, Skye, Rachel, Mark, Rebecca, Amber, Jing, Dave, Matt, Robert Regrets: Bruce, Chris Agenda: We've restructured the agenda to enable developers to come and know where things stand in their and others' MNs before moving on to more detailed discussions. 1. Status of upcoming MNs * Y1Q1 * ORNL MNs (RGD (4248) and EDORA (4247)) - CCI 1.4.0 (finished up in production this morning) changes allow new formatIDs to be registered and allow those to be indexed * MPC (3708) - (Skye) see CCI 1.4.0 also allows for qualifiedDC * DFC (3532) - Chris has created certs for them for dev/sandbox/stage; haven't heard back from Lisa a/o 9/11 * UIC (3213) - pinged Bob again 9/11, no response as yet; Rebecca to track down contacts at UIC to get the supplement money to them * PPBio (3748) - MNDD/logo submitted, Listed on public website as upcoming - awaiting feedback from Debora; Matt contacted Debora on chat and got this response: "I´ve been drowned in othar tasks the last few weeks and did not catch up with the group. Received a document from Bill where he states PPBio already is a d1 node. I have several issues to catch up with the team and am willing to contact them today or during the weekend. we´ll let you know, ok?" * NKN (3238) - running in sandbox, loaded test data; Ed hopes to have more info to report at next week's MNF * IARC (4700) - Jim has sent Chris some ISO 19139 and schema information * Y1Q2 * GBIF (4730) - We need to get clarification from Tim re: time frame for development; looks like it may be next Summer 2015 * Announcement went out 9/4 from GBIF - * Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory (4296) - Antonio (Antonio Jesús Pérez Luque) visited Mark 8/14; Antonio going home 9/7, will talk with his folks when he gets home. They run an older version of metacat right now. * GLEON (3422) - Holding until after GLEON's meeting in October. Laura to call Corinna re pre workshop * USCarolina (3689) - Pat O'Keefe is no longer on this project. Email out to Mike Huhns, no response a/o 9/12/14. * MsTMIP at ORNL (6162) - We are starting conversations about MsTMIP. Funding from DataONE runs out 31 October; they're going to use a flavor of ISO, need to find out which, get examples, etc. * Y1Q3 * SAEON (3205) - new POC is Mike Metcalfe; email from Wim Hugo indicated they're upgraded their metacat on a different VM and they have some questions re: authentication, etc. - Jing would be a good POC for SAEON (talk with Dave) 1.5 Current MNs * Dryad listObjects issue, see Ryan says they haven't been able to address this issue last 2 weeks <--Laura to ping Ryan Monday * LTER - meeting Weds 9/10/14 (Mark) - ensure integrity of content on CNs; Chris to run Roger's script (verification tool) to check things out; also looking at the source of the inconsistencies (both white space removed and things added); see the redmine ticket: * * likely just LTER metacat-related * might be a good idea to run the verification tool against the KNB data (KNB and LTER are very similar re: metacat, etc.) * if isolated to LTER and everything looks ok on the CNs, we need to make copies of these objects and move authoritative content to the GMN, this older content would be archived anyway so it shouldn't cause problems with differences in sysmeta/scimeta * RELATED ISSUE: * CCI 1.4.0 turned on replication auditing (checking checksums) - has found a few documents where checksum on CN does not match what's on the MN, all are KNB: example from MN: example from CN: Ben can prob help with this as he wrote quite a bit of the encoding stuff for metacat See splunk for details: 2. High profile issues (or current items of interest) CCI 1.4.0 complete in production this morning (9/12/14) 5. Around the room Amber: nothing today Dave: * UNM-related network outages, fixed by some emergency repairs (one router "blew up spectacularly" * new epad (new version on a different VM) to be released with old epads transfered to new version this weekend * DSpace implementation is moving along well, anticipate UTK as the next DSpace MN (Bruce involved, Laura to inquire with Holly Mercer and Bruce to see what plans are) * Rob/Dave worked on making a more user-friendly, downloadable "version" of the web tester to ease testing (the DSpace folks had experienced some frustration with web testing) Jing: nope Mark: experiencing network probs all week, all fixed now (we hope) Matt: notes added to PPBio node status above Rachel: from usability perspective Rebecca: nothing today Robert: nope Skye: nothing Old action items * DataONE and XSEDE: latest info from Line: 1. The draft letter to become a (level 3) SP has been circulated to relevant people within DataONE 2. The collaboration was discussed at the Leadership team teleconference – level 3 will be a starting point 3. The letter is currently being reviewed by the DataONE leadership team Current status: the letter went to LT a couple weeks ago, Rebecca will send on to Bill cy Amber/Dave) There is an appendix - is this information required as part of the SP agreement? In review with Dave. What's the next step after we become an XSEDE SP? We live as an XSEDE SP for a while, then we look at the possibility of an XSEDE MN? (nothing beyond us becoming a SP) before the AHM. Dave has some questions to be resolved; to get with Bruce hopefully next week. * MN Documentation - MN Deployment and MN Ongoing Operations - Laura to do this -- working on identifying needs and best methods to address those needs, including, documentation in mule1 or on, etc. * Laura to ask Rob about order of testing (when and where) - document this, also what does "good to go" mean? * Rob responded with an email that identified the various levels of documentation we have (higher level on the DataONE website and more detailed at mule1 (<--- thought we weren't going to point people to mule1??) * see specifically links to "releases" rather than mule1 for the CURRENT documentation 4. Not-high profile issues Process for end-of-implemention (when/how to indicate a MN is "upcoming" on the dashboard, etc.) - Laura and Amber - we had previously decided that when a MN goes into stage testing, it is appropriate to show them as an upcoming MN. However, in redmine we don't currenty have a status indicating what stage a MN is working in. We have a "testing" status, so we had thought we'd use that - when a MN changes status to "testing", we can show it as upcoming. We still need to explicitly define the process and who does what when, and try it out on the next MN(s) in the queue. Amber: maybe list them on web as "upcoming" when we go to staging -- but we need a redmine state to show that staging has started. Dave to look and see if can notify Amber and Laura (and Bruce?) when there are changes to the stage and production node lists. Need a redmine state to show that staging has started. (Was under Current MNs related to SANParks, CDL, etc.) LT to address Memorandum of Understanding (re: operations and service expectations) between DataONE and MNs - is there anything I (LM) can be doing to move this along, draft something up, pull out the work previously done, etc.?? (Rebecca, Mark, & Laura have been tasked with this and will begin work week of 8/11) -- or maybe not. Wait a bit until Phase 1-Phase 2 transition over? Tickler (things to revisit periodically) DUG discussion re: increased MN involvement with DataONE - distribution list to Rebecca 8/1/14 - when is a good time to get this out to the field? Action: document still needs to be cleaned, but not clear which edits are to be accepted. Bruce to work with Laura to get a finalized version of this document ready for Bill to send out. Target sending this out after PEP is completed. Defer action on this until end of August and revisit this in terms of available cycles. Put this as an action at LT for AHM if it hasn't been dealt with before then. Purpose of MN Description Document (past and future) Intent is to describe the (potential) MN, identify the types/quantity/formats of data they hold, - perhaps we need a "friendlier" format, perhaps an interview process; Workflow: should this information (MNDD) be collected at the beginning of the process, or is the way we've been doing it lately (after the fact) a new way of doing business?? Also consider if this information gathering (form or interview) is the best use of resources for those potential MNs who may or may not become a MN if implemented as a first step. Possibly change the workflow? Is a pdf the best way to view the information? Next steps: Laura to come up with alternative(s) to current MNDD - content is good, but format/mechanism needs some work. Another thing: Laura and Amber to look at workflow for last stages of implementation, test with EDAC too late for that, need to pick another one. Also -- how does the MN DD relate to: the node document: - developers have/create this information (node registration, see updateNodeCapabilities) and redmine?? <--- work with redmine as mostly-authoritative source Could a spreadsheet be a viable solution? Maybe. A database would work. In any case, some information is appropriately "private" - how would we handle that? Revisit the default "only results with data" checkbox to unchecked; plan is to move the checkbox from search page to results page but remain checked by default, initial draft in development environment.