We are looking to name the search interface for DataONE. This is currently implemented by Mercury, but there is a general request that we provide a DataONE name for this, like the "DataONE search page, powered by Mercury". Please enter your suggestion below, one per line. ================================== DataONE Data Search Tool: 1. Lightning (1) 2. GemMine 3. Panoram 4. FetchONE 5. ExaSearch 6. DataMINE 7. Swift (1) 8. Search * 9. ONEMercury (4) 10. Spencer (1) 11. GlobalSearch 12. DataFind (1) 13. DataONESearch (1) * 14. ONEFind (8) 5 red 3 green * 15. ONEdex (3) 16. DataONE Source 17. ONEpoint (1) 18. ONEcore (sounds like encore) - asian education program but not high profile (1) * 19. MercuryONE ONEkey kids search engine ONEline - sounds like a joke e.g. one-liner ================================== From the LT call: Flash MercuryONE DataONE search portal (sorry, no imagination :-) ) SorryNoImagination iData Doogle Naked Squirrel Flying Squirrel Flying Naked Squirrel PortalMort - that which shall not be named Find me Here I be Data finder DataFinder FastSearch RapidFinder Bits 'n Bytes Pandora's Box of Data Fetch! Get it NOW GetData SpeedY Date-A-Mime WhereYat? Discover WHAZ UP I CanHaz Data Whop There it is RapidSearch QuickSearch Spencer (and our fee for service tool is Spencer for Hire) DataBorg Voldemort SauronSearch - we can find it D1Search ONEdex? Take to the Leadership Team for Review: OneFind ONEdex ONEMercury MercuryONE/ONEMercury