Other ORNL Member Nodes (beyond ORNL-DAAC) EDORA redmine ticket: https://redmine.dataone.org/issues/4247 RGD redmine ticket: https://redmine.dataone.org/issues/4248 =============================================================== Meeting 28 August 2014, 3pm ET Attending: Chris, Bob, Ranjeet, Laura, Yaxing, Jim, Bruce Regrets: Dave Current outstanding issues as noted in redmine tickets (from Chris): * Ranjeet has addressed one of these (#6047), and there are a couple outstanding tasks (#6048, #6049, #6053), which we can discuss * https://redmine.dataone.org/issues/6047 looks like data in EDORA, RGD, DAAC are validating * https://redmine.dataone.org/issues/6048 * https://redmine.dataone.org/issues/6049 * https://redmine.dataone.org/issues/6053 * Today's agenda: 1. RGD and EDORA Member Nodes -Validate schema (Redmine ticket https://redmine.dataone.org/issues/6047 ) -Timeline for additional activities registering xsd; certificates for production register domain at purl.org, register schema at CN, start harvest Ranjeet will wait a day or two to hear back from purl folks to confirm that the requested domain has been accepted Ranjeet/Jim to recreate scimeta files with Mercury namespace, Chris to register namespace on CN, version 1.0 Chris can create production certificates today for RGD and EDORA (but Ranjeet hold off on loading until tickets above have been resolved) Also, for ORNL DAAC, hold off on changing things until API 2.0 is available 2. Plans for MsTMIP Mercury Instance and MN * iso metadata based, extracted from TDS * need to engage Skye to develop mapping from ISO to dataone * will contain granule level information, to enable search and access of individual granules * * would like to have a version up and running for test purposes in 2 months (end of October) * * need feedback on the ISO format, especially the empty elements * List of DataONE indexed fields: * https://cn.dataone.org/cn/v1/query/solr * Additional documents (description, contact, ...) needed by Laura for a new MsTMIP member node? 3. Other items Next meeting on Thursday, September 18 at 3 pm