Mentor call,
Present: Bertram, Paolo, Shawn

* Telecon schedule ==> Wed 9-10:30am, skype
* Mailing List  ==> Bertram to set up google-mail list and google-site
* Note taking: Etherpad 
* Code repository:  
* DataONE Blog: for "news stream"!? 
* Project site: Google site ==> Google docs for additional shared docs 
* move over to DataONE as needed 
* Document for "top 20 questions" the repository might have to answer
* Tentative, high-level split between Michael, Saumen?
--> defer to when we have more details about architecture
(might be: ProvRep (Saumen), Query & Viz (Michael))

Questions, Steps, & TODOs: 
-- Define OPM++/DOPM (start next week @ ProvWG mtg)
-- Implement (some form of) "Save as DOPM" within wf systems
-- Implement Repository
-- Implement "Load DOPM" 
-- Define types of queries we want to support via toolkit
-- Define types of visualizations we want to support via toolkit
-- What other features do we want to support via the toolkit?
-- Define a roadmap of tasks/deliverables
-- Name contest! 
-- Provenance Query Language! 
(can we get away with a Datalog engine? Or start from QLP? Or from... ?)

==> ProvWG meeting 
need to send around agenda, logistics
also questionnaire: 
==> What's missing from OPM to capture your system X provenance, use case Y, etc.