Present: Bertram, Paolo

Questions @CCIT:
==> What (if any) are the DataONE-blessed means to store/retrieve data?
Specifically, we want to store and then retrieve "data-blobs", ideally with some attached meta-data (for discovery)
==> Data cloud storage / member nodes storage?

* Use cases, requirements etc:
- allow to store, discover, retrieve "native" provenance (from the wf system: COMAD, Kepler, Taverna, Vistrails CKTV)
- employ DOPM as a exchange format so that external provenance tools (for querying and visualization!) are shielded from the different native models, and instead use DOPM

* Possible focus of students !? (TBD later)
-- Repository, DOPM stuff: Saumen
-- Generic Prov-graph querying and viz: Michael

* Summer Internship
DataONE Contact: Amber E Budden <>

==> last week of May to be used by mentors for setup and to draft project charter
(what exactly are we going to build? draft overview / architecture)

==> Have official start for students at June 1st
==> Ask Amber what this means? 

==> we probably could/should go another week or so into August!?

- Do we need a face-to-face and if so, when?
==> Yes, have a F2F to kick-off meeting with students (Saumen, Michael, volunteers if available)
==> Meeting at Davis; possible dates:
--- Sometime between June 1-3 (Wed-Fri)
--- June 6-10 (Mon-Fri)
==> Fix the dates, confirm with Rebecca travel details

- Misc: 
-- use again google site and mailing list!? (worked well last time)
-- use a shared code repository (didn't work so great last time)
==> suggest to use this time?  With GIT?
-- minimize dependencies on existing code

* ProvWG:
- meeting when, where, doing what?
==> main deliverable still: D1-OPM model and paper
- key MoPs to unify: Kepler, COMAD, Taverna, Vistrails, Restflow, ... (anything else?)   
==> eScience Central  as a potential implementer / consumer of the model
==> Co-locate meeting with Internship F2F!!??
==> Who would be there?
Reps from Kepler, Taverna, Vistrails, Pegasus, Swift (Mike Wilde!?), Restflow, Galaxy
==> update ProvWG member list (e.g. DataConservancy!!)