Conference call line: 712 775 7100
Participant Code: 128383#

Citizen Science WG conference call: Mon 10th Jan 1 EST

1) Working group vs workshop model
2) Objectives of proposed workshop (desired/anticipated outcomes)
3) Agenda for workshop
4) Planning (date, location, duration, participants) 
5) Next steps

Invited: Rick, Jake, Steve, Bill, Amber, Rebecca
Attending: Amber, Bill, Rebecca, Jake, Paul Allen (CCIT liason), Steve, Rick

1) Working Group vs Workshop
Clarification of distinction.
Working group activities modeled after NCEAS aproach.  Same group of individuals tackle suite of topics with purpose of synthesis, publications etc.  Some other D1 groups operate in this way with success.
Workshop aproach focuses on specific topics.  Raised by some of the CI groups due to concerns that it may not be possble to have a consistent group of participants.  Instead have targeted workshop on a topic with different individuals participating in different workshops.

Worskhop on best practices for citizen science may be a good way to 'kick-start' the D1 CS activities.

PPSR report extended from a working group model.

CS issues that could be tackled are quite huge and possibly being addressed by other CS activities in the field.  What would be the D1 focus?  Would need to focus within best practices on data practices.  General best practices being addressed in other workshop activities.

Possibly convene various parties that are thinking about infrastructure as a groupt o think about these questions

May be premature for a workshop.  The documents and questions generated thus far are a great starting point that needs to be refined down.  Should get the principles together from these various projects to inform activities.  Start with a working group and then develop focussed activities for workshop activities.

General discussion:
Starting point may be to develop a survey on community needs.  Are additional resources required to facilitate this?  Perhaps not, outside of some time of a few key individuals.
More pressing question is what D1 intends to achieve with a citizen science working group.

Challenges with community engagement due to financial compensation and time constraints.  Travel / expenses covered by D1 in addition to an honorarium.  D1 admin and Dir CEO will provide logistical support.  However, it is felt that someone within the CS community is required for much of the legwork.  Bringing people together is perhaps the less challenging part of the process.  The WG would benefit from aquiring additional funds through grants etc.  

Raising funds through grant applications is a possibility: U&A is an example.
NCEAS WG model does not offer honorariums and has a succesful WG model.  Value to participants is the collaboration and products / publications developed.

First step proposed: conduct a survey.  Then evaluate which model is required.

Jake willing to assist Rick in formulating the survey.
Should also make sure the charter is conplete and develop a 'inside' list of participants.  What status if the current list of participants?  There is a rough list that needs refining.

Possible kick-off meeting at Syracuse CS meeting.  Bill, Jake, Rick and Steve already attending in addition to Andrea and Kevin.  Can look at overlap between the attendee list and prospective CS list.

Items 2-4 - not necessary at this time.

5. Next steps:
Develop survey in collaboration with others - Jake and Rick with support from D1 as requested
Review and edit charter - Rebecca and Amber (after NSF review)
Explore potential for 1 day meeting at Syracuse CS meeting (core group as a ad-hoc steering committee for working group) - Rick