Spring 2014 DataONE All Hands Meeting: Sociocultural Working Group Etherpad Twitter sharing: @DataONEorg #SCwg Search previous e-pads: http://epad.dataone.org/_index/search.html Current Meeting Documents________________________________________________________________ Past Meeting Documents________________________________________________________________ http://epad.dataone.org/Sp13-SCUAwg-user-interface http://epad.dataone.org/Sp13-SCUAwg-faq http://epad.dataone.org/Sp13-SCUAwg-metrics http://epad.dataone.org/Sp13-SCUAwg-usability http://epad.dataone.org/Sp13-SCUAwg-assessment http://epad.dataone.org/Sp13-SCUAwg-data-ecosystem http://epad.dataone.org/Sp13-SCUAwg-communications ____________________________________________________________________________ BEGIN CURRENT MEETING EPAD _____________________________________________________________ Joint WG meeting. Brainstorming activity to develop a list of accomplishments for the working groups and the project as a whole. Results for number of votes. 1. Assessment of stakeholders 2. Usability testing for DataONE.org 3. Development of data lifecycle model 4. Development of personas 5. Defined MN requirements 6. Organizationd and delivery of functioning datanet. UA and SC complemented CI narrative. Created and deployed CI 7. Commitment to sustainability. Development of international community. ____________________________________________________________________________ Thursday morning, May 15 2014 AHM _____________________________________________________________ Collected ideas: 1. Honorarium used for travel support 2. remote meeting: fully virtual 3. Face-to-face meeting - at least 1 4. Focused meeting - "1 - 2 per year" 5a. Affiliate membership = expert, specific tasks 5b. Self-supported membership - Expert, Specific Tasks, Not limited by funds 6. Conference, event coordination - site meeting, posters, booths, sessions 7. Assessment Data Analysis, Presentation, Publications 8. Comments, feeback on tools - UA 9. Central "Docs," Collaboration, people's involvement, virtual network of people 10. Supplemental funds for "joint" collaboration 11. List DataONE target activities as compared to WG interest 12. DataONE DSpace, MN-Library example - policies, community, specific-involvmeent 13. Specific role/ outreach to communities (research office, lib) -> DUG" 14. DUG Meeting, Focus, Location, Purpose evaluation, alternate yearly across communities. 15. Recruitment of new members via current participants - be general internal 16. Graduate Student Alliance affiliated with DataONE 17. DataONE internship program 18. Potentially treat UA, Assessment as staff activity 19. DUG - users of data from MN 20. TED talks - dataONE tedx @ universities 21. Science teacher association / affiliation with DataONE somehow. Discussion resulting in collected ideas above: Allard: different levels of support; Levels of support for future involvement For the future: 5 spots to offer full support (travel, honorarium, any given meeting) Ways to handle Expertise Opportunities for people to be involved; support travel External funding (travel/honorarium) Reduced funds change things. How to handle? Kevin Crowston:Travel is make or break. If you don't have money, difficult to get Honorarium is nice, not most people's motivation. Might not really change the. Notion of motivations. As long as it is sufficient it does not make you more motivated. "Hygeine" as in Hotel. An even cleaner hotel doesn't make you like it more. Point is, what will really make a difference? Doesn't really make people that much more engaged. Rhama: Many meetings can be handled remotely. Caution is - have "Everybody on the phone" with 10 people in a room and others individual. Some face to face meetings. Tenopir: Need some face-to-face meetings - if we have one could we use the additional funds to bring in more people? (At least one, unsure how much flexibility we have). Budgeted for two, with the limited number of people. Frame: Usability focus / Assessment focus this meeting is focused around this, around that. Idea was not that supported. Tenopir: Affiliate member - volunteer members have to be vetted by NSF. Someone you are not asking for NSF support. Cost share members by their institution. Other way to look is someone who has a specific task. One meeting - look at usability testing of the revised toolkit. Come in for a specific task. Rhama: Self supported members, not "affiliate" members. May also need some genuinely affiliate members. Tenopir: Affiliate is subject expert for short-term involvment. Self-supported is for long term. Allard: Another thing to consider - working group is tasked with doing things that are helping us hit 18 - month and 32 month milestones. WG are prescribed for meeting milestones. Does not mean other members who have other ideas - continuing using connections - working on other kinds of projects - would still be a valuable program. Established an amazing network of people - even those not actively involved in meetings. Still involved with different people working on things that came out of dataONE - an important intellectual contribution. How to track? Don't have luxury of exploring it earlier before "production" mode. Douglass: Look at Calendar of conferences and events. Using as emissaries to keep going. Some will be at these conferences anyway. Have subgroup side-meetings. Tenopir: Booths at conferences, posters, ways to co-author, good momentum on that. Allard: Work done by larger group at All-hands meeting. Environmental scan - successful, unsuccessul - network of collaborations / ideas that sparked off of it. A really important way to look at ways to help this continue to happen. Public participation in science. Rhama: People don't necesarily have to participate in meetings to contribute. If people have access to the Website - specific questions on usability. Look at one piece of Website - see if you have comments. Does not take more than one person to do that at a time. Big usability tasks. Really tough. Douglass: Second round - more attention to centralizing materials (docs site is for that) One central location where everything is. Supports different kinds of activities, different kinds of collaborations. Also could capture data about people's involvement. (Building a virtual network). Frame: Collaborative joint opportunities. Supplemental funding. 6 - month to a year workshop, tool, study, could be anything. Need to think about those. There are opportunities for that. Tenopir: Affiliated things like IMLS in support of students, stronger because it has the dataONE participation. Specifically targeted additional sources for funding. Frame: What are your pain points, areas in next year and a half, how might dataONE help? Allard: Add to question sending members to ask - list some of the activities that people are interested in the targeted activities that we are doing. Make sure that what we are doing matches with your interests in the future. There is the opportunity to get involved working on proposals. Funded opportunities. In a larger sense, just because this is a group of sociocultural experts, as moving from a product to an organization, how do we keep, the focus is changing, excited about what we are doing and involved. Ideas from beyond just this group? Strategies for connecting. More ideas you can get from people. Sandusky: DSpace- code to flip a switch and make a D-Space instance a member node. What does that mean, what does it mean to be a member node? The member nodes we have, they have big organizations with people and funding. If there are a couple dozen new ones. What policies should be in place? So people are putting market research into DataONE. Frame: OGC, whole library contributions to DataONE - look at member nodes - how many are truly coming through libraries - what does that mean. Libraries have their own community as well. Looking at different stakeholders or communities. Sandusky: Another area in the environment: not just libraries, may be a need for refocusing. How are those environments changing, what role a network like DataONE might have. Libraries' point of view is like "Switzerland" friends with everyone. Campus repository is like that as well. Tenopir: Not just like the DUG, dug plays a role. Sandusky: Analysis needs to be done. Frame: Co-located with ESIP. different type of DUG focused meeting? If a large percent of DUG members are libraries. Additional meeting, collocate. More logical place? Baird: Interesting now, you have ALA that meets almost simultaneously. Sandusky: Propose something midwinter Rhama: both communities are important. Tenopir: All stuff done the first day (accomplishments), putting all of that in the report, goes into the report. Will use some of this. ;;;;;; Similar adjustment - scope 3. development to production. working more than 5 years to get to production. In "governing phase" need to get "new blood" into project. Using current members to use their own personal network. DataONE has a successful message. Accomplishment based funding for phase II. Good marketing message. Specht: ONe of the strengths of the working group model - really noticeable. Way working group is suggesting is marketing tool. Everyone feels very positive, because of the diversity of representation, good platform for selling DataONE in the last five years. Don't end up pulling back to this core team that just talks to itself after a while. Tenopir: two comments making me think - surveying who wants to stay invovled - have not talked about bringing new people into the family. Willingness compared to "good idea" to stay involved. Specht: Lots of people will need to knock themselves out. Must have contingency plan. Maybe have people come in half day. Practicalities and experiences will not. Tenopir: One reason that NSF is vetting is they are very interested in diversity, particularly geographic diversity. They can't all be at Knoxville just because we happen to be there. Background, discipline, geographic location. Frame: Nominating individuals who might be well qualified. Might be a little different. Not sure things will be hard and fast. Yes, this is an immediate thing to be careful of, but don't see that effect three years from now. Douglass: Further down the road, some sort of graduate student alliance affiliated with DataONE. :::::::: Is DataONE planning to continue the intern program or is that coming to a stop? Allard: There will also be a couple of post-docs in targeted areas like education and provenance. Tenopir: Very few students directly paid by DataONE. Opportunity for engagement from others. Crowston: R&D mode to production mode. Not only cyberinfrastructure from other parts. Rather than continuing to treat assessment usability as research activities as faculty from diverse institutions to institutionalize that to a staff activity - hire people who do assessments of impact, feedback to developers on usability of the software. Take seriously moving into production and stop treating it as a research activity. Perhaps not exactly at that point, but say we've done enough to know what it is that needs to be done, turn over to people paid to do that. Must be right in the middle of development more than we have been. Master schedule coming out of CI to know when we need to be involved. In assessment side, maybe do in different ways. Education side - when something is released. Crowston: Ongoing projects - a staff function. Not something that requires research. Research has been done. Another way of framing. The kinds of reports are not things that will be interesting publications. Tenopir: Sustainability - absolutely must start to make that transition - feedback of what those things need to be staff functions. Rhama: DUG now is potential member node. Seems to be that to be a real user group, need users of data from the member nodes. Not sure how that is assessed. Dta users versus data providers. Frame: Must look at whole DUG, logistics purpose. DUG has changed a bit, in terms of participation. First DUG at Douglass: has anyone affiliated with DataONE done a successul ted talk. Douglass: not going down the rabbit hole of k-12 education. National teachers association / sites affiliated somehow with DataONE. Looking across list - why we've been successul. Transitioning to Subgroup discussion.