DUG Sustainability feedback
July 15th 2012

Competitve Landscape

1) Is this the correct break down of organizations?
2) Are there organizations missing?
3) Are there organizations that don't belong?

Business as usual
Educational organizations?  ESIP?  Collaborators; need is so great.
What about commercial publishers?  Competitor?
Within standards community, add NISO (?).  
Tool providers don't seem to be represented.
Box.net .com group (Internet 2) {perhaps this goes under Cyberinfrastructure Development Organizations}
DIdgital preservation network - in its infancy but will have a relationship in this
Significant competition / collaboration in training.
NCBI Genbank - missing?
Email from Todd:
It occurs to me that another important organization in the competitor/collaborator landscape for DataONE is DataPASS: http://www.data-pass.org/about.jsp

It is perhaps more similar to DataONE in structure and value  proposition than many of the other efforts currently being considered.   Though it is restricted to Social Sciences.

Will this be taken to the next step to stategize how we are going to leverage this? A. Yes. 

Some big names are not familiar with DataONE - need to get the message out there.

 - Include all three national data centers (NOAA....)
 - DataNet projects.  Are they listed?
-  Open Topography

EarthCube - how related to DataONE? {competitive/collaboration overlap}

Slide: Digital Libraries
Umbrella organizations:
Cyberinfrastructure Development Organizations}
Partnership Guidelines
Goal was light weight document describing roles & responsibilities of MN

Network responsibilities: emergency contact should be in roles and responsibilites instead
(item 7 on slide)

Service responsibilities: 
illegal content subject of discussion by CCIT - the need for a universal "kill" switch to immediately takedown content (re: legal takedown notices).   Covered by c) under DataONE Service Responsibilities?
Grammar of item 3(slide only?) (note: in the doc it is OK as 3 and 4 are actually 1 bullet - (b))
What does item 8 mean?  ownership of data and metadata - archives take responsibility for datasets - this item doesn't refer to the MN - it's saying DataONE doesn't claim ownership

Network responsibilities:
The 'Attribution' bullet is repeated btn DataONE services and DataONE network (not word for word, but in meaning)