TERN and DataONE - conversations

Next virtual meeting in June.  Hope to meet face-to-face with Alison at AHM (2nd week of May) and Nikki (June/July).

Monday 14 April 2014, 9am (Brisbane), Sunday 13 April 2014, 7pm (Knoxville)
Nikki, Alison, Guru, Bruce, Laura attending
Brad Evans (TERN eMAST) attending as well  

Nikki and Alison have taken the draft MOU to the "legal person" at U Queensland.

Nikki thinks she may not be able to make the AHM but hopes to meet with Bruce and Laura (and maybe other DataONE folks) when she's in the states, late June/early July.  

Brad:  TERN eMAST distributed network,  
Provenance is a particular area of focus in phase 2 of DataONE; see also WC3 provenance recommendation; also an RDA working group working on provenance

See draft MOU, Article II - Scope.  We had talked about working on the first two areas:

Area C (educational resources) can be worked independently of A and B.  (Alison and Amber can address at AHM.)

Guru talked about an RDA working group addressing interoperability, etc.:  https://rd-alliance.org/working-groups/data-description-registry-interoperability.html

Brad, looking at areas D, E, F; 
D.     Collaborate on the development and distribution of tools and best practices 
E.     Develop and refine analysis and synthesis capabilities related to transdisciplinary collaboration
F.     Explore the broad interoperability of data between DataONE and TERN 
    Alison at AHM
    Nikki to get dates to us when she will be in the States; Brad will be in the States at/around the same time
    Bruce has sent Guru an email with details (Laura will compile and put in Nikki's Dropbox folder, for reference)
    Nikki/Alison working the MOU with U Queensland legal
    Bruce to take MOU to Rebecca (Bill not available) for UNM review
    Nikki shared her Dropbox folder with us re: how things worked with NEON -- https://www.dropbox.com/home/TERN_DataOne
    Meet again in June? (not first week)  Laura to send out Doodle poll for availability

Friday 28 March 2014, 7am (Brisbane), Thursday 27 March 2014, 5pm (Knoxville)

Draft MOU went out last week, Alison and Nikki reviewed (changed some TERN text to tidy it up, also Explore vs Enable here: 
F.     Explore the broad interoperability of data between DataONE and TERN so that users of either system are able to enhance discovery and data usability by achieving direct access to data, such as access to data via the DataONE Investigator Toolkit elements.  

We're happy with MOU, now need signoff from UQ (Tim) and UNM (Bill/Rebecca).  

What next: is there anything we can do in this meeting until MOU is approved?  Look at how Scope item A can be achieved (expose TERN data via DataONE).  

Nikki has a template that can be used (work with NEON f2f at AGU).  Nikki can create a Dropbox folder for us to work in.  Also  will be helpful to create a timeline for efforts.  

Guru can't come to AHM but Nikki may be able to.  Would like to get Amber involved in conversations re: Scope item C in particular (while we're at AHM).

Might be helpful to have an online meeting during AHM so everyone can participate (timing will be better as Utah's 5p is Brisbane's 9a).

Bruce will provide information to Guru re: high-level and detailed MN implementation

Next meeting early week of 14 April (Laura to set up poll for times).

Wednesday 5 March 2014 8:30am (Brisbane), Tuesday 4 March 2014 5:30pm (Knoxville)

1.  Please join my meeting.
2.  Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended.  Or, call in using your telephone.
Dial +1 (213) 289-0012
Access Code: 619-646-321
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
Meeting ID: 619-646-321

Attending:   Laura, Bruce, Alison, Guru
Regrets:  Nikki


Look at MOU (NEON example).  We think what we're looking at is making TERN data visible via DataONE and relevant DataONE data visible at TERN.  
    Mutual discoverability is the goal: a DataONE user can discover data via the TERN MN which will point the user to the data where it resides with its "owner", and the TERN MN can search/harvest appropriate DataONE discoverable data and replicate that data's metadata on the MN
    MOU is the "broad intention" - can be general at the beginning, with more detailed discussions and development after the MOU has been signed.  (This was the case with NEON at least.)
TIMING OF ACTIVITIES:  TERN anticipates engagement with DataONE the latter half of this year.  They plan to focus on Australian issues first half of year.  

Rationale ---->  Define/identify these value-added areas with this collaboration:
We (TERN) want one entry point to DataONE (the TERN Data Discovery Portal). 
IMPORTANT: need to maintain usage statistics and source attribution; see log aggregation 

Nikki-and-Bill question:  we might call the MOU a "letter of collaboration" (MOU has pretty specific legal ramifications)  

Frame the MOU in terms of the deliverables above.  See the "Scope" section in the MOU.

TERN's "legal entity" is University of Queensland
What is DataONE's "legal entity"?  University of New Mexico?

Guru asks that we point them to any useful documentation re: APIs, etc.
Bruce suggests looking at a Generic Member Node implementation for both pulling DataONE data down and pushing TERN data up.

Plan a meeting in 2-3 weeks, 7am Brisbane time
Thursday 30 January 2014 8:30am (Brisbane), Wednesday 29 January 2014 5:30pm (Knoxville)

        1.  Please join my meeting.

        2.  Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended.  Or, call in using your telephone.

        Dial +1 (213) 493-0602
        Access Code: 347-614-209
        Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

        Meeting ID: 347-614-209

Attending:  Laura, Guru, Alison, Bruce, Nikki

Bruce:  We've been looking at where we want to be ultimately and how we can get there (perhaps incremental steps?).  How can we take advantage of what TERN has done (very much of a Coordinating Node) without having to rework much/anything?  

See the info that Guru sent after the last meeting:
 TERN is essentially a network of networks (similar to LTER and KNB current MNs).  

Central (philosophical) question:  how much does TERN/DataONE want data activities to occur through TERN and how much would be appropriate to go to the entity directly.  For example, at least one of TERN's components runs metacat and they could be a DataONE MN individually.  

This structure isn't mutually exclusive (either all through TERN or all through individual repositories).  It is possible to have a repository be a MN (exposing metadata) and TERN exposing metadata for the same object(s).  

Short term goal: find a way to replicate metadata from the Data Discovery Portal into DataONE.  With this, a user couldn't use the DataONE GET operation to access data.  User would go to the individual repository for data acquisition.

The TERN Data Discovery Portal is the aggregator; each repository supports domain-specific metadata standards but TDDP uses RIF-CS to manage across repositories.

Data Portal using rif-cs:  http://globalregistries.org/rifcs.html

Research data australia:  http://researchdata.ands.org.au

Could possibly harvest via open search (exists).  Could provide OAI-PMH as a server, but that isn't currently enabled.  Metadata are shredded into a database, do not currently exist as direct files on disk.  

Science metadata has internal identifiers in some places.  If have a metacat repo, the science metadata has an identifier, but that identifier isn't exposed through the TERN Data Portal.  TERN practice is to point the DOI to the page describing the data (per DOI policy), which in this case is the science metadata object.  

The data package envelope  OAI-ORE has a DOI which refers to the overall concept of the data.  Within the "envelope" are data sets, files, etc. which have identifiers which look more like GUIDs.  

As an example, ORNL DAAC maintains multiple metadata files in different formats (Dublin Core because you have to for OAI-PMH, etc.).  

Primary goal is to have DataONE and TERN working together to provide increased visibility of TERN data and to open DataONE-discoverable data to Australian researchers.  It's a mutually beneficial relationship.  To achieve this goal, we need to figure out the "how" to make it happen, both in the short-term and for long-term growth.  A MOU can identify and clarify the nature of our collaboration.  Alison has a template based on the NEON MOU, which she forwarded to Bill and Rebecca.  We need to agree on goals/expectations.

Key question: what's the desired end state?  Make US data more accessible to Australians and make Australian data more accessible/discoverable to the world.  Discussion of eBird that has a significant amount of Australian bird data.  How do we enable people to find that.  ??? Can TERN harvest relevant DataONE data into their discovery portal.  Bill M has a copy of the MOU with NEON.

Next steps:  set up a meeting in ~4 weeks and in the meantime DataONE and TERN will work on defining the techncial possibilities.  Alison and Nikki can look at the conceptual nature of the TERN/DataONE relationship.  Guru says that TERN will be very busy harvesting data in the next couple months.  We also need to pay attention to NOT duplicating data (see the OzFlux project, with some data at ORNL).  

Friday 10 January 2014 8am (Brisbane), Thursday 9 January 2014 5pm (Knoxville/Oak Ridge)

1.  Please join my meeting.
2.  Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended.  Or, call in using your telephone.
Dial +1 (805) 309-0012
Access Code: 603-270-601
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
Meeting ID: 603-270-601

Attending:  Laura Moyers (DataONE), Alison Specht (ACEAS), Bruce Wilson (DataONE), Siddeswara Guru (ACEAS)

ACEAS-TERN: http://www.aceas.org.au/ 

The Australian Centre for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (ACEAS) is a virtual and physical Facility within the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network  (TERN) for both disciplinary and inter-disciplinary integration, synthesis and modelling of ecosystem data to aid in the development of  evidenced-based environmental management strategies and policy at regional, state and continental scales.

TERN website:  http://www.tern.org.au/

TERN is comprised of several different data repositories, whose data are discoverable via the TERN Discovery Portal:
TERN uses an OpenSearch API for being able to harvest the metadata.   Previous discussions about TERN operating a CN, but DataONE wasn't (and probably still isn't) ready for a CN operating outside of the direct DataONE infrastructure.  

Metadata available through open search API

OzTrack oztrack.org/

NeCTAR - cloud computing - www.nectar.org.au/research-cloud

Idea of operating a Coordinating Node in Australia?  Original DataONE proposal indicated a desire for widely distributed CNs, but we have underestimated the challenges in implementing CNs, especially the distributed nature of CN operations.  This is still a highly desired outcome, but we need to hold off on any development of and Australian CN while we further explore how best to do it.

Ecological data - EML
Biogeophysical data - ISO 19115
See also ISO 12110

TERN uses OAI-PMH to harvest data from collaborating projects for the Data Portal.

If DataONE harvests from TERN, it can happen:
    from the individual collaborating sites/projects
    from the TERN Data Portal
Desirable to harvest from the original sources

ORE (Object Reuse and Embedding) allows for access to the data itself

Next Steps:  meet again late in the week of 20 January