Data Citation BOF at Data 2012      7 people

Prioritized list of what we want:

1. concise packet of assertions that form a precise reference to a data set, that is retrievable from offline or online sources, where data means anything (observations, simulations, ...) under discussion at Data2012

1.1 ability to convey credit to creator/contributors
1.1.1 stable reference
1.2 ability to identify that a referenced data set is a subset of another data set
1.3 ability to identify that a referenced data set is a version (time, language, format, etc) of another data set
1.4 if actionable, a globally unique string embeddable in a URL, with a service protocol specifier (http, ftp, etc)
1.5 ability to convey reputation information
1.6 ability to reference both mutable and immutable data

- ability to link to other versions

Holding Pen

- peer review - fitness of use for some purpose
- discovery was traditionally a use of the card catalog, there is some overlap of discovery process with the form of the citation