1.       What would we like to see in 10 years, in cyberinfrastructure (e.g., hardware, software, data) for biodiversity research?
2.       Given that goal, what pathway can we map in 3 years, 5 years and 7 years?
    Panel discussion: reporters lead charge in resolving differences among groups

Given the vision that you articulated yesterday, and taking into account the discussion at the end of the day, describe a set of milestones and barriers at 3, 5, and 7 years that will lead to or inhibit fulfillment of your vision.

- what are the obstacles? Why are we not there yet?

3.       Focusing on the 3-year horizon, what specific resources and initiatives are required?

3a. Design an abstract architecture that enumerates the functional components and provides a basis for interoperability across key functional areas needed for a DoB cyberinfrastructure focused on the 3 year milestones.

4.       Given these requirements, what is the best way of acquiring these resources?
   -- have some groups focus on challenges/impediments

Final plenary - what are the key issues that need to be presented in the report?

1. Assumption that everyone knows NSF programs and structure. Any opportunities for leveraging / working with other programs (within NSF)?
2. NSF model conflicts between research and infrastructure