JWG Conf Call on Use Cases

Jones, Lagoze, Lapp, Schildhauer

Agenda issues
1. Background
    -- SONet willing to fund meetings
        -- Schildhauer, Bowers, McGuiness, Bermudez, Dibner, Gries
        -- initial goals, then work on major integration with OGC O+M
        -- lots of similarity between OBOE and O+M
        -- O+M added mods to O+M to make it closer to OBOE -- specifically "context"
    -- Data Conservancy -- Carl plus about 0.5 FTE
    -- Semtools
        -- Jones, Schildhauer, Bowers, O'Brien
        -- http://semtools.ecoinformatics.org
        -- discovery, annotation, data integration tools that extend morpho/metacat/eml, will try to fold into DataONE

    -- Hilmar -- goals of core model should be very pragmatic, not necessarily a theoretically complete/pure model
2. Potential meetings
    -- Focus of potential meetings
        -- use cases?
            -- see https://sonet.ecoinformatics.org/workshops/data-interoperability-challenge
        -- exchange syntax and model?
            -- Goal articulated from TDWG: by next TDWG have an exchange specification available for analysis
            -- plan a meeting for the spring
            -- open hackathon: invitees, plus certain # of slots for open participation, applications accepted
            -- product: define one or more specifications for a concrete syntax for exchanging observational data
        -- meeting should not be a show-and-tell on existing projects and capabilities
3. Action items
    -- Mark: accounts for SONET site ASAP
    -- Matt: organize use case page structure on site ASAP
    -- use case articulation: use cases for each domain by end of November
    -- spring meeting time: April 2011
    -- call for participation by end of Dec
        IVOA Model: http://ivoa.net/Documents/latest/DMObs.html