Kepler Leadership Conference Call 2010-12-02 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Toll Free Dial In Number: (866) 205-5235 Access code: 6657088 Participants ----------------- Matt, Tim, Bertram, Mark, Ilkay, Christopher Agenda items: --------------------- 1. Update: development activities for Kepler/CORE from UCD and UCSD -- David (100% through Sep 2011) -- working on release installers, automating it from the build -- also improvements to the module manager -- used IzPack for win, tarball for linux, dmg for mac -- Jainwu and Madhu (50% Madhu, 50% Manish, 20% of Jianwu through May 2011) -- helped with 2.2 release on Memory leak problems -- would like to work on integrating provenance systems, and on Kepler itself -- work on making distributed framework more defined and implemented in Kepler -- Aaron -- 3 months, 100 % FTE -- starts next week 2. Discussion: Kepler 2.2 development update and release plans -- -- -- The dates for 2.2 are in -- David will be release coordinator for 2.2 -- Feature freeze Jan 15, release Feb 15, depending on estimates of hours by developers 3. Proposal: Kepler should require Java 1.6 for all platforms starting with the Kepler 2.2 release. For background, see the discussion thread on this issue on kepler-dev. -- Decsion: require 1.6 -- doesn't drop too many users, simplifies deployment Action items ------------------- -- TODO: Matt will send JDK 1.6 decision to kepler-dev -- TODO: Tim to contact David about estimating bug hours for 2.2 release -- TODO: Ilkay to contact Jianwu, Madhu, Manish about updating bug estimates for 2.2. release -- TODO: Matt to Doodle the next LT call