DataONE Animations Discussion
Paul Allen and Bob Sandusky
August 18, 2010

General goals for animations
1. select a process to represent or a question to address
2. storyboard the animation - bring in visual designer at this point
3. review with CCIT
4. revise and vet
5. produce animation using a visually talented person

Reference Draft Architecture Sketches

Ideas for key questions/processes to be documented:

October 15, 2010; Revised October 21, 2010
Plan D1 animations for AHM
2010-10-15: Allen, Sandusky
2010-10-21: Allen, Budden, Sandusky

Prior to meeting
1. write 1-2 sentence descriptions of existing animation ideas (including the intended audience) - Bob
  Budden: will provide list of scenarios generated by EAB
2. distribute on paper in materials distributed at the meeting
3. check whether laptops will be allowed/encouraged at the AHM
4. create short PPT (Paul)
5. draft the script (Bob)
6. Create blank storyboard pages for BOF (Bob)

Part 1- At the plenary (12 minutes if the animation has already been shown, or 15 if we need to show it):
1.       show the animation (if it hadn’t been shown yet; use a downloaded copy)
2.       describe the process 
2a.       for gathering additional ideas (de-emphasize idea generation)
2b.      for using a (BOF?  Breakout?) session to get storyboards /outlines /scripts started
2c.       for producing the animation, very briefly
2d.      possibly show the first and the last version of the storyboard for the finished animation (so people get a better idea of the process.
3. Emphasize that this is not a technical task

Ideas for step 2a (de-emphasize): 
·         individual sheets of paper
·         an EtherPad
·         poster sheets on walls

Part 2 - (60 minutes) At the actual work session we envision:
1.       recap the production process, in more detail if necessary
a.       show the first and the last version of the storyboard for the finished animation
2.       choosing which story ideas to push forward (method TBD)
3.       breaking into small groups, one per idea / scenario
4.       providing blank storyboard sheets for people to work with
5.       enable people to continue to work on their scenarios

Resources: Looks likely that DataONE can contract out for animation productions. Need specs to select someone. Need estimate of hours needed to produce one. Don't have an estimate on adding the narration.